chapter nineteen - neetenin retpahc

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I realized I couldn't wait to update and I wasn't going to let school stop me (I'm stupid. I know.) But I love you guys too much so I hope your comments and votes will pay off!

The lack of updates is due to the fact I'm not in love with this story anymore. I miss it though so hopefully I can find that spark again, to why I wrote this story in the first place.


Remember, I love you guys and I'm always here for you!



I snatched an extra shirt from the closet and swung out the room, Grim not a step behind. The creak of the door downstairs didn't stop us, Angie's voice pushed to the back of my mind.

Except for Grim. "We'll be right back, sweetheart!" he called after her.

"And I'm not naked under this big shirt!" I shouted to her too. Her shriek just added the sweetness to my smile. Grim shot me a glare and I remarked, "If anything, you still have the hots for me Mr. Let's Pretend To Be Isaac Just So I Can Sleep With Her."

He would've chopped my head off if it weren't for Angie's quick footsteps rushing in the hallway. Sprinting into the garage, Grim told me, "We're bringing them with us." I didn't know what he meant until my eyes landed on Levi whose body was sewn back together. "And your stupid halo, ring thing you wasted your time on."

"It'll work!" I protested, rummaging through his toolbox. I pulled out the waist strap, hauling out two blades, tucking them in the discreet strap under my shirt.

Grim went over to his little panel and clicked a few buttons before the garage door slowly opened. "You melted that 212 gun Cameron gave you, shredded the halo into tiny pieces and then burned Angie's goldfish."


"Over a fire."

"That's not bad."

"You started doing a voodoo dance."

"A ritual," I corrected. He gave a flat stare. "I needed a sacrifice!" He shot me a dry look. I waved my hands in defeat. "Okay, okay. That was just for fun. But still!"

He seemed unconvinced.

I wiggled my fingers in my face, a golden ring sparkling in the cool night. What I did earlier was melt everything into pot, placed a tad bit of demon blood and angel blood inside the honey looking liquid, and pouring it into a ring cut out. It's been a few hours and it finally got hard. "Trust me. I'm doing you a favour."

"What favour?" He tugged Levi over his shoulder and grunted, "The face you're depriving a village from its idiots, kidnapping them up to put into your messed up mind?"

I sucked in quick breath and clucked my tongue. "I did kidnap them but it seems one got away. But it looks like I found him." I stared hard at Grim.

"I'm the one that got away?" he said, with a small smile.

"Always trying to sneak that in, aren't you?" I rolled my eyes. "You're such an idiot."

"Says the one who killed a goldfish."

"Says the one who's basically married Barbie." He arched a brow. "What? Angie wears too much makeup. She looks like she got gang banged by a Crayola!"

"Grim!" Angie squealed, just outside the garage. She was coming in fast.

"You better hold tight," Grim smirked and snatched my waist, Levi hanged on his shoulder.

"No, no! You know I hate it when you do-" A blinding flash of white light filled my eyes and I shut them. I hated it when he shifted to this real form. Don't tell him but his real form...scared me. As a powerful being in his form, his movements were as fast as light and I knew he'd be a real challenge if we fought against each other.

It was like the wind was knocked out of me as we zipped out the garage, blasting along the sand and seconds later, we were surrounded by screams.

My hair suspended in the air for a second longer to then falter to my shoulders. A woman bumped into me and I was about to give her the fist until her scream buzzed my ears. Crowds were swarming past us to the exit, the chandelier rocking above our heads. The slot machines were abandoned and a striking red was smeared across all the screens. Dices and chips were scattered over the red carpet and our gaze followed the trail of blood.

Sirens wailed outside the casino, blue and red lights blinking. "Grim." I passed him wary looked. In his human appearance, he nodded and murmured dark words, smoke coming out his mouth. I saw the face of dead souls within the smoke, all once consumed by Grim himself. They formed a huge spiral, drifting outside and I knew what was to happen next never ended well. Whenever Grim consumes a soul, it actually remains in his system. He can summon them whenever he wants, he uses them however he wants. I watched the fog of souls he created, the grey clouds lifting the officers and cars higher up.

There was something I needed to remind you.

The screams heightened outside.

Grim and I aren't good people.

The souls lifted them higher, past the height of the casino.

Justice can only go so far.

The officers and cars dangled above the civilians, the metal creaking and their human bones shaking in fear.

We came from Hell. We were born to be wicked.

And then the demon souls dropped them.

We were born to kill.

A gasp was the time it took for them to hit the ground. Human jam splattered across the big windows, cries rising from the accident outside. Grim's mouth was left open, the fog still spilling out past his lips. I heard the demon souls, crunching on the rubbery skin of dead officers, swimming through their blood to bite into their hearts.

It didn't take long for the demons to take what they needed-what Grim needed. I knew he hadn't fed in a long time because of me and I was happy to see him satisfied. The demons souls spiralled back into his mouth, the fog evaporating so he could close his lips.

"I haven't seen that in a while," I said lightly.

"Yeah," he chuckled but then a screech sent us into our attacking positions.

Inside a glass room, women in glittery dresses and men squeezed into suits were pounding the glass, pleading for us to save him. Isaac must've broke the knob, trapping them in. Speaking of the devil himself, there he was in the room full of physically and emotionally broken humans.

Standing on a pool table, his shirt was torn, pants not far off from looking like they got caught in a paper shredder. His hair was spiked, blood dripping past his lips. A human arm was in his hand and he smashed his face in it, a waterfall of blood pooling to his bare feet.

We quickly moved towards the room, hopping over toppled chairs and tables, carefully dancing around shattered glass.

Nothing would've stopped us in our tracks. Except for Isaac's next words that sent cold blood rushing to my head. He looked at us dead in the eye and said in a deep, wicked voice, "You're next."


I'm baackk.

Now wish me luck for my accounting test tomorrow because I was too busy doing this, instead of studying!

Please vote and comment!

And remember I'm here for you all! Love you lots!

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