chapter thirteen - neetriht retpahc

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My brain was like, I should study, and then my heart was like, Or nah.

We can all blame Mulan for this.

If you understood what I meant, let me know so I can follow you. Because Mulan is bae. Mulan is life.

Saved frigg’in China for Pete’s sake. 


++chapters will be quickies for a while, but there is a plan!++

Before my eyes could properly sink in on what was happening, Grim hoisted me up and ushered my body around the corner. “Go get Lord Death. I’ll get Isaac.”

My heart was pounding and I tried glancing back. “But—”

“I’ll handle Isaac, just get the Master. Meet me here and we’ll leave before it’s too late.”

My mind was too stunned to fight back and I barely noticed him shove me out the door, closing it behind him. A soft click followed after.

Flipping shit on the inside, I attempted to remain cool on the exterior end of things by unhooking my gun.  I sped towards Lord Death’s chambers, recalling innocent days when I used to run around this mansion. 

Hustling around a corner, I spotted Lord Death on the other end of the hallway and flagged my hand up. But he wasn’t alone.

My natural instinct sent my heels to the floor. I stopped and zoomed along the closest corner.  I kept an ear close. The man from the sunset photo was talking to him.

“Romane,” I felt myself say. Pieces of images leaked into my memory bank, opening names and then feelings. That man I once loved, his name was, “Romane,” I repeated. 

The men exchanged smiles and shook hands. While half my brain was scrambling memories, the other half told me to listen:

“Her connection will lead her to the boy. She’ll find him, do not worry,” Lord Death said.  

I felt my bones melt at Romane’s warm chuckle. “I’m not worrying. Why worry when everything you promised is coming true?”


“Well… are you sure the boy can really kill her? She is a strong creature—”

“Listen to me. By the time she reaches him, almost all her powers would be transferred to the boy. He’ll be invincible. She will be human—an easy kill,” Lord Death said. 

I should’ve been thankful for the wall holding my back or else I would have slide to the ground in a mess. They…wanted me dead? 

“Wait…” I peeked around the corner and saw Romane shaking hands with him. “Cold Bloods and Lord Death are...”

“As soon as she’s gone, we’ll have the last and most powerful weapon by our side,” Romane cheered.

“The Purge!” Lord Death spoke.

“Isaac!” he grinned. “Then we can finally take back our rightful land.” 

It was bubbling inside of me, the frustration wanting to tear me into two.  Words were pushing to be said but I just stood, shaking, on the verge of exploding.  It was hot, it was lethal, and I wanted to murder the Lord for betraying his oath.

Isaac.  Oh god, what did they mean about Isaac?

Infuriated and nervous, I fuelled the rage into my legs, returning to Grim. Luckily the Cold Bloods hadn’t reached this section of the mansion. Yet. 

Discovering the door was unlocked, I barged through with a loud, demanding voice, “We have to go—“

A moan stretched from the corner of the cold cellar. My gaze darted to the side and I gasped, sliding on my knees to Grim. He was laying unconscious over a pit of cracked tiles, eyes closed. Blood streaked down his temple and I cupped his cheek. My chest clenched tight. “Grim. Grim, baby. Talk to me. Say something.” I slapped his face. “Grim. Grim. You better be alive you son of a bitch.” He groaned. 

Sighing in relief, I used my shirt to wipe the blood off his temple. “What happened?” He only moaned and I leaned in, trying to get clarity. “I can’t hear what you said—”    

The sound of heavy smashing instantly caused me to turn. I inhaled quick.  

The chains were dangling from Isaac’s wrist, the other ends hanging cement chunks. His dark hair was spiked, breathes thick and long. He held Grim’s scythe in one vein pulsing hand. The clothes he once fitted in were shreds by his bare feet. The mere garment left on was his cuff shredded pants. Shirtless. He was shirtless, and sweating, and demonic, and monstrous and…deadly.  

Pure coldness washed over my body and I gripped the tiles behind.  He stared at me, nostrils flaring as he puffed out a strong pant. For a split blink, we had that connection. Beads of friendship, trust, even love slid off the string. The connection was there.

It disappeared.

I made a dive for my gun. His mouth opened and out shot a high pitch screech.  


His speed was faster than my eyes and then all at once, his face was brought up to mine and a hot pressure pushed itself into my lower half.

I glimpsed down to see the blade inside of me, Isaac’s hand holding it still.

A tile spiraled above and crashed into Isaac’s head. He released his grasp around the blade and spun, hissing at the source of attack.

The pain devoured at my flesh gleaming in red jam, it spilling down my pants and onto my shoes. I stumbled back, bumping into the wall as I stared motionless at the scythe in my stomach.

The shock was more overwhelming than the pain until a high pitch scream wheezed from my mouth. A hot flame erupted at my lower half, and I could only make a squeak, the pain concealing my voice.

Tiny hands shaking by my side, I reached for the handle and before thinking, tore out the scythe. A shrill of deaf toning echoes escaped past my O shaped lips and the sound of metal clattering wasn’t the only thing hitting the floor.

Pressing my palm to the wound, I could barely blink as I gazed up in shock.

Grim made an attempt to dodge Isaac’s fist of blur but failed, getting sucker punched into the door. I couldn’t catch Isaac moving towards him and in less than a second, he was choking Grim, veins popping down his knuckles.   

Hey…” I gasped.

Isaac’s ears twitched and he roughly threw my ex, striding over.  Miserably kicking away with the heels of my feet, I tried scrambling up yet I couldn’t feel anything below my torso. Numb and frightened, I was a rag doll when Isaac picked me up, dark hair drooping as the black ink draped across the tiles.

“Isaac,” I felt myself whisper. My energy was draining, muscles weak and eyes fighting to stay open. I surrendered myself to his grasp, my gaze the mere thing holding onto him.    


I love talking to you guys so drop me a message on my profile or something :) I respond fast!

Xoxo Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed! Love, 8tracks

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