Chapter 18

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John paces aggressively about the quarterdeck. It has been over a day since he has had contact with Burnt and Charlie. They were sent to shore to discover if Josephine was on this island. Over the past several months they have hopped from island to island in search of her. But on their last stop a sailor had approached informing John that he had information on Josephine. John had dragged the man to a more secluded area where he made him divulge all he knew, including the events from two years ago. All the dots had been connected. John had quickly gathered his crew and took off to this small island with all haste. The journey had taken them several more days and the small storm that catch them off the coast did not help, but they were finally here. John pauses, looking out over the ocean.

A smile forms on his lips as he can see the small dingy just a few feet from the ship. Burnt sat upright in the bow, his eyes continuing to look over to the entrance of the harbor. John hastily moves down to the upper deck. He peers down at the two men from the gunwale. His ears pick up the deep chuckle of Burnt as Charlie rubs at his hands and biceps. Charlie shots Burnt a glare that could melt metal. John shakes his head at the antics of the two men.

"What say you two? Did you accomplish what I sent ye out for?" John calls down.

"Not exactly captain. Things have changed a bit." Burnt calls up, grabbing at the last rung of the hull ladder.

John furrows down his brow. He steps to the side as Burnt pulls most of his bulk up onto the deck. He takes a couple deep breathes, moving to stand in front of John more fully.

"What do you mean things have changed? Is Josephine on this island or not?" John pushes.

"She was on it, sir. But she isn't anymore." Charlie chimes in, pulling himself onto the deck.

"I do not understand. Is that her or not Burnt?"

"It is her, sir. There is no doubt in my mind that is that red-headed spit fire that is her mother's kid. But what Charlie means is that she boarded that first-rate ship you see moving out of the harbor." Burnt states, jerking a thumb behind him.

John sighs, massaging his temple, "That complicates things. I was hoping to take her in the middle of the night by land."

"So was I sir. We're going to have to take her by sea and she'll have several hours head-start on us."

"That she will." John rubs at the stubble coating his chin before turning towards Charlie. "Mr. Austin, climb the ratlines with some men and get us under way. We have a ship that we need to track."

"Aye captain." Charlie knuckles, moving off barking orders.

John turns away from Burnt. He curses under his breath as he racks his hat across his hip. This little turn of events complicated things. It would not be a simple prize capture. They would have to be mindful of the ship itself, so no cannon fire, and then when they boarded, they would only have a small window of time to find and retrieve Josephine. John runs a hand through his hair and down the back of his neck.

"So," Burnt breathes, coming to stand next to his captain. "Do you plan to capture the ship as a prize sir?"

"No Burnt I do not think I do. If we took her as a prize, it would jeopardize getting Josephine back."

"Aye it would. So, how are you going to motivate the men sir? You know they work the hardest when money is involved."

"I will figure something out. As you know many on the crew knows Josephine from when she was younger and always causing trouble on my ship. It will be the newer members of the crew that will have to be convinced."

"Yes, they will. You know there are rumors about why you want Josephine so badly." Burnt trails off.

"Let the rumors be for now. I do not have the patience, nor tolerance, to deal with them fairly and the truth is the rumors will stop spreading once all is made clear."

"When are you going to address the crew then?"

"I will not address them until we are closer to her. Make sure that every man is armed and prepared. We will not beat to quarters until we are within range of the ship."

Burnt smirks, knuckling his hat in confirmation that he received the orders. John's vibrant green eyes stare at the immensely broad back as he scurries off to handle getting the ship underway. He glances out over the waters. The first-rate ship was in open waters now. All her sails were unfurled, and she was becoming nothing more than a spec on the horizon. John sighs, lowering his head. It was going to take everything this crew had to bear down on that ship and take her. But he could not just simply walk away when he was so close to bringing his niece home. Josephine was born on the sea; she had a special connection to it and the people of the pirate nation. She did not belong on land with his father. She belonged on a ship, rolling with the ocean. John shakes his head, massaging his temple as he moves back up to the quarterdeck.

"Just hold on a little longer Jose." He mutters to himself. "I'm coming for you, my queen." 

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