Chapter 64

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Charlie leans over the railing, bird calling down to the black waters. He grins like a cheshire cat as the call is mocked and the bow of the shore boat begins to slither out from under the galley. The elation is short-lived as coldness touches his skin with a harsh command. Charlie didn't need to guess as to what was being forcibly pressed against him. He winces, his heart pounding in his ears, as the steel digs deeper into his head.

"Don't move." The stern voice commands a second time.

"Don't fret. It would seem you have me at a disadvantage." Charlie sasses.

"Who are you?"

"I should be asking you the same thing."

"This is my ship; I will be the one asking such."

"And the one with the gun digging into my neck."

Charlie tenses as the pressure increases. He inhales deeply, calming the adrenaline surging through him and the urge to lunge at his unknown assailant. He had not the time to act when the abrupt coldness dissipates as the man steps away.

"Turn around."

Charlie propels himself off the railing, raising his hands. His heart attempts to escape his rib cage as he takes in the lieutenant. The man was fit, his blond hair disheveled and in varies stages of drying. He scrutinizes Charlie with pale blue eyes, the lean oval face twisting drastically.

"Who are you?" He questions again.

"Austin." Charlie answers truthfully.

"Charlie." Joe calls.

Both men snap their attention towards Josephine. She has her hands raised, staring down at the young petty officer who bore into her with a determined glare while baring his pistol. She glances at the two men before refocusing on him.

"Jack. How about you tell this young greenhorn to put the gun down?"

"Who are you calling a greenhorn pirate?" Welsh bites.

Josephine snorts at the showy back biting, stepping towards the young man. She frowns deeply as Welsh raises his gun higher, sliding his foot closer in a defensive stance.

"Don't move." Welsh commands.

"It'd be wise to talk to your petty officer before I snap the kid in half." Charlie growls angrily.

"Charlie, don't." Joe warns.

"Charlie." Jack repeats, fixating on him. "You wouldn't be the pirate that Josephine has affection for, would you?

"Yes, he is." Joe answers him.

"It cannot be. You said he was dead."

"I thought so myself, but James has worse aim than I imagined. Now that you know," Joe states, inching closer to the older men. "how about you do not aim that gun at him Jack."

"I said not to move." Welsh commands, taking a closer step.

Josephine freezes, narrowing her eyes at the embolden young man.

"Mr. Welsh. Calm yourself and do not be rash." Jack barks.

Welsh becomes intensively quiet, his breathing coming in deep laborious strides. He continues to train his pistol on Joe as she creeps closer; keeping her hands visible as she slides in between Jack and Charlie.

"Josephine?" Charlie breathes.

"So, what are we to do now Jack?" She questions.

"Josephine what have you done?" Jack asks pitifully. "What type of position have you put me in?"

"I'm sorry Jack, this was not supposed to happen."

"No, but it has. And now I am in the position to have to take both of you as prisoners."

Josephine's head shots upwards, "Jack you mustn't. I was your prisoner, not Charlie. Let him go and take me back if you must but do not make him pay with his freedom."

Charlie can feel his chest tighten. He steps forward, placing his hand on Josephine's bicep.

"Josephine, you mustn't."

"Take me. Let him go." Joe bargains.

"I cannot. Don't you see, I have no choice."

"There is always a choice!" Joe admonishes, lowering her voice to a reasonable tone. "Jack, please. Let us go."

"Josephine, I beg you, please to do not make this more troubling. I must do this despite every ounce of me not wanting to."

Pierre's features drop further, his pale blue eyes gazing longing at Joe. She glances over at Welsh; the boy watching the scene with mild curiosity and skepticism. Her shoulders sag to the decking as she realizes the plight. Charlie, himself, wonders if Jack would be making this same show if the young man was not present.

"I see, very well." She concedes. "But you will take me and let Charlie go."

"The hell he will." Charlie grunts.

He grabs Joe's bicep, attempting to forcibly move her aside. A growl crawls upwards as she plants herself firmly. For a woman in the shape she is in, she has incredible strength when motivated.

"Don't you dare." She hisses.

"Carter. Joe." Charlie appeals. "This is folly."

"Possibly. However, you will not remove me with that gun trained on you." She focuses back on Pierre. "You will not take him from me."

"He is supposed to be dead Josephine."

"He clearly is not, and I will not allow it this time. I have no world without him, Jack." Josephine appeals. "And I will not let you destroy it either. If you are going to shoot someone, you will shoot me."

"How can you ask that of me?" Pierre whispers heartbreakingly.

"And how can you put forth all that effort to save me just to let it come down to this?"

"I won't let it. Move."

"It'd rather face a bullet than to be wed to James."

"And I'd rather you be alive than dead upon this deck!" Pierre snaps.

"Then let us go!"

Jack sighs heavily, glancing over his shoulder at Welsh. Charlie holds his breath as he refocuses on them, the sorrowful features dropping his arm.

"Maybe. . . Maybe I am being selfish as you do not belong to me either."

Charlie furrows his brow at the sorrowful truthfulness, observing Joe's stance slacken and her head tilt compassionately.

"Mr. Pierre, sir?" Welsh inquires, leaning outward.

Charlie growls at the young man, that damn pistol continually trained on them. Jack snaps back to reality, steading his aim as pitifulness clouds his eyes.

"Jack please." Joe begs nervously.

"I am truly sorry Joe."

Charlie's chest tightens anxiously as everything slows. Jack's eyes take on a remorseful agony, reverting his gaze as his fingers twiddle with the trigger. Charlie feels frozen as his ears ring with the close-range shot. The eerie silence soon follows, rushing in and stopping his heart. Josephine. 

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