Save Everyone.

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Takemichi: "Hello Y/n-san."
Y/n: "hi Takemichi, Natao."
Natao: "Hi Y/n-nii. I never thought you were a part of Toman."
Y/n: "I'm not. After the fight between Toman and Tinjuku. Mikey fired me and broke up from me. I chased after him for a whole month. To know why? And we got back together. Since, then I'm just Mikey's girlfriend."
Takemichi: "Y/n-san, I saved both you and Draken-kin. And I thought.."
Y/n: "I think it requires more than that Takemichi. Everybody close to Mikey either died or disappeared or are in jail...."
Natao: "but how are you doing? Everyone thought you ran away or something..."
Y/n: "I haven't been outside our home for 10 years. The only people who knew about this were Mikey, Draken and Hinata."
Takemichi: "but Draken didn't told us about anything and plus why? Is someone hunting you?"
Y/n: "Draken promised me and Mikey that he will not say anything to anyone. And no, nobody is hunting me. At least that's what I know of..... When I asked Mikey to get back together. He put forward a condition for me. That I never meet ANYONE and always stay with him. So, I wrote a letter to my parents that I'm running away from home cause I can't get over my break up. And lived with Mikey this whole time."
Natao: "What, why? Your parents spent so much time to finding you. They were in distraught. They left the country because they can't bare to live at a place which reminded them of their daughter. Y/n-ni, why did you do that? To be honest, if Manjiro Sano is keeping you locked in his house. Then, you relationship is nothing but toxic..."
Little did the three of them knew that Mikey was just outside the door. Hearing everything.
I'm doing this for her good. She will always be mine, no matter what. Even if she doesn't want to.

Y/n: "you are right it might be toxic *Mikey starts to walk away* But *he stopped* I love him more than you can imagine. Let me tell you one thing, there is nobody I mean nobody who deserves happiness as much as him. You why? Because, he so selfless, the only thing he ever wanted was to be with his loved ones. Life took it away from him. The only thing he ever asked was to be there, nothing else.......Takemichi, if you really go to the past, please tell me, not to abort, tell me that I'll regret it my whole life. I was soooooo stupid, that I didn't told Mikey. I regret it now. The only thing I hid from him. It pains me......just go and tell me. Do not abort....*crying*....I think I should go home now. *whipping her tears* Mikey would be waiting. Just save everyone, Takemichi. *smiling*And Natao, if you are still in touch with my parents just tell them, it wasn't their fault. I just love him to much. He is my lifeline. He is the reason I breathe...."

As Y/n exited, she had tears in her eyes. She bumped into someone. "M-mikey..."
Mikey hugged her. "It's alright. I'm always there." He picked her bridal style and took her to the car. He adjusted her on his lap. "Take us home."
Driver: "yes sir."

After hearing Y/n's confession, Mikey couldn't help himself but devote himself to her. That confession was all that he wanted to hear.
Mikey: "Tell me Y/n, I promise I won't judge."
Y/n: "I can't Mikey. I mean I...." *guilt*
Mikey: "just say it..."
Y/n: "I was pregnant Mikey when I refused to go to Valhalla. I went for an abortion that day. I didn't told anyone, I went through an illegal surgery. And now because that one decision, that one surgery.....we-we can't have kids. I didn't mean to...I just...I was scared. I-I didn't told you, because I thought....."
Mikey: "it's alright.... I don't care. You are with me. That's enough."
Y/n: "not for me Mikey. I-I wanted a family with you. I mean what if I decided to tell you that. Maybe we would have lived a normal life. I *crying*....."
Mikey held Y/n very tight.
Mikey: "I always Love you, no matter what."
Y/n: "love you more than life."
Save everyone Takemichi please...

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Sorry I was kinda busy. Thank you so much for the votes and views!

Suggestions are open! Comment as much as you like.

Shout out to @fuyuwife
Thank you for the vote 🤗

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