Chapter 24

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You were at Sirius's and Remus's place

Your dad said instead of texting you should go over and talk to them so you did

"Sirius stop shedding on the couch, you have dog hair all over it and I only just cleaned it last week," Remus says and Sirius looks over shocked

"Hey, I am not shedding, you're the wolf here," Sirius says and you try and not laugh, they truly do bicker like an old married couple

"You're the dog," Remus says and you couldn't hold it back and laugh

"What gonna put me in a kennel? You can't ha I'm too hot." He says and you couldn't stop laughing

You can't stop laughing at Sirius's and Remus's place, whenever you're here something makes you die of laughing

Rather Sirius and Remus do something or Sirius and you prank Remus

On rare occasions you and Remus prank Sirius

"We'll fight about this later," Remus says and Sirius shrugs

"So no snogging?" Sirius says and Remus glares at him

"Oh definitely not, don't even try and convince me you will lose." He says and Remus then looks at you "Sorry for the idiot want some cookies I made y/n?" Remus asks and you nod and he goes to the kitchen as Sirius yells I want a cookie

"I don't think he's gonna be getting you a cookie." You say and Sirius sighs

"I know, I hid his chocolate stash so payback."


It was getting late and Sirius passed out by 9

Remus sighs

"Aww looks like grandpa didn't take his afternoon nap." You say and Remus laughs

"Sirius hates when you say that stuff like he dyes his hair black just so he doesn't have to accept he gets grey hairs," Remus says and you laugh

"He should accept we will never call him uncle and will continue to call him grandpa." You say and Remus laughs

"Yeah, he won't even allow our kid's children to call him grandpa," Remus says and you then say you should go as Sirius starts to snore as Remus sighs

*Grandpa Sirius really should just get used to us calling him grandpa, like he is one after all*

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