D1: Chapter 4

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25 September 2021.
Dear Diary,

I entered the room and looked around. It was the most beautiful classroom I'd seen.

I saw a sign by the door and read it:

"No shoes on in the classroom"

No shoes?!?!? I looked down at my vans. I didn't want them stolen but I finally decided to. I started to take them off and I realized I was the only one in the classroom besides the teacher.

I've always been nervous to even show any part of my feet. Even in socks I'm embarrassed!

I slid the shoes into my backpack and went to the teachers desk, I looked and saw the name tag on the desk. It read: "Mrs. Victoria".

I shyly stared at the desk as the teacher noticed me.

"Hello! You must be new.. what's your name?" Mrs. Victoria asked smiling and noticing I'm nervous.

"I'm H-Hailey.." I replied finally finding the courage to look into her blue eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Hailey!" The teacher said gleefully. She got up and looked at my socked feet.

"I see you've also read the sign."
The teacher said as my socked toes wiggled nervously.

"Yeah.. does every classroom have that r-rule?" I asked still getting used to wearing socks in the classroom. Its definitely new to me.

"Yup! This school is unlike any you've probably been to. We have students take their shoes off because we want them to learn better. We also have small tickle competitions." The teacher said without hesitation.

I paused for a second. TICKLING?!?!? In school!?!?!?! I'm probably the most ticklish person ever.. I wouldn't do it.

"Do we have to do the tickling competition?" I asked hoping for her to say no.

"Nope! None of the students have to, although I do encourage you to. The prize for winning is 100$" Mrs. Victoria said starting to write something down.

100$ was alot for me. I don't think I could ever do it I'm wayyy too ticklish.

"Uhmm... I don't think I want to."
I replied nervously.

"Well, Miss Hailey, if you change your mind, don't hesitate to tell me". The teacher smirked.

"Besides that, why wouldn't you want to compete, all the students do it." The teacher reached down and ran the pencil on my foot playfully.

I flinched and bit my lip.

"Well I-I uh.. uhmmm. I'm kinda really ticklish." I couldn't believe this school did tickling competitions.. what kind of school does that?!?!?

"Well I noticed, it's okay. Well Miss Hailey, like I said before if you change your mind don't hesitate to see me. Although, I'm sure you may get tickled a bit here anyways" Mrs Victoria said with a smirk as she reached her pen down to my foot and played with my sock causing it to partially come off exposing my sole.

What was she doing?!?! I hid my foot shyly and pulled my sock back up.

"Oh and one more thing Miss Hailey." The teacher looked at me.

"Would you mind handing your shoes over. I'll keep them safe I promise."

What?!!?! Give over my shoes to HER?!??

I looked at her with a nervous expression, wondering what I'd do. I hesitantly pulled my rainbow vans out of my bag and handed them to her.

Gleefully, the teacher said: "Thank you Hailey."

I watched as she got up and grabbed a small tag. She wrote my name and put them in the sole of the shoe.
I watched worried about my shoes.

She finally put them in a cubby next to her desk.

"So.. Miss Hailey.. do you have any questions?"

"So uhm... Where do I sit?" I said curiously trying to ignore what she had just done.

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