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I had never been more tired in my life. Laying out in the warm, bordering on scalding midday sun, my entire sand caked body ached. Turns out surfing is ten times as intensive as any football practice I've ever attended. At least, for me it was, seeing as I was pretty god awful at surfing. And I do mean, really and truly terrible. At first, I thought it was just a learning curve, since I'd never surfed before in my life. I usually picked up athletic skills with ease, and I'd never had a problem with any other water sports. I assumed that once I learned the basics, I'd be a natural. But apparently, surfing was the one exception.

It probably had to do with the whole balancing element of it. I was really really shit at balancing. I can't even count the number of times I fell off my board, pummeled by the waves. Hence why I was sore as hell. Seriously, my arms felt like limp noodles. To be fair, the fact that I was tall definitely put me at a distinct disadvantage. I remember the one time Danny had dragged me to the roller skating rink, I'd come home with so many bruises I looked like a peach. My dad had torn me a new one that day, he was so mad. It was kind of there whole reason I'd agreed to go with Danny in the first place. God forbid I injured myself, and couldn't play football.


I sat up, shielding my eyes from the sun. Sophia and Maia were walking towards me, Kai following behind, all of them carrying their surfboards. Sophia's blue eyes matched the sparkling water behind her, and my suspicions about latent freckles had been deliciously confirmed in the hours spent under the sun. Her nose was dusted with them, and her olive skin had grown honeyed, dark hair dripping down the smooth line of her back. And that goddamn bikini. That bikini was doing some serious damage. I basically choked on my own tongue when she pulled her t-shirt off.

"You ready to get back out there?" asked Kai, gesturing at my discarded board, which was lying a couple feet away.

"C'mon, Sherlock," wheedled Sophia, nudging me with her foot. "Catch one last wave before we head out."

"Easy for you to say," I pouted. Oh, did I not mention? Sophia was a fucking goddess at surfing. She was absolutely terrified and then— perfection. I think it had to do with the fact that her center of gravity is a hell of a lot closer to the ground than mine.

Maia shook her had at me, "Just because you were not an immediate surfing genius does not mean you get to sulk by the towels all day."

"I am not sulking," I insisted, somewhat half heartedly. I looked out at the rolling ocean that a had bested me. "I am preserving my livelihood."

She snorted, "Drama queen."

"Maia, I wiped out like twenty times."

"Twenty two, actually," corrected Sophia, helpfully.

I threw her an affronted look, "I'm so glad you had time to tally up my failures while you rode the waves."

"Well, it was sort of a given," Sophia smirked at me, eyes lighting up. "You see a lot more when you remain standing." Kai choked on a laugh, not even having the decency to look guilty on my behalf.

My mouth fell open. I couldn't believe she'd just said that. And I was so so glad she had. "My body wasn't enough?" I cried out, shaking my head in mock disappointment. "Now my ego is taking a beating too?"

She extended her hand out to me, "One wave, Jake." Her lips curved into a teasing smile, voice light, "Dare you."


"Unless you're scared?" challenged Sophia, a singular eyebrow arching. She knew I wouldn't back down. I never did. Not from a dare. And especially not from her. Basically, she had me right in the palm of her hand. I was more than happy to be there.

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