Chapter 13

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Nothing could prepare Aidan for the carnage that greeted him when he exited the front entrance and walked out onto the driveway. Bodies lay on the ground, turning the surrounding soil bloody. At first, he assumed that some of the dead were vampires until he saw a werewolf tossing one of the vampire corpses out from one of the windows. It combusted the moment it touched sunlight, leaving behind nothing but ashes.

None of the dead bodies lying in the sun belonged to vampires.

Only then did Aidan realise the losses suffered by the wolves and witches. A throbbing ache spread over his chest at the realisation that some of the dead were people he had mingled with during the dinner just hours before.

"Oh, thank heavens, Aidan!" Hailey came crashing into him, pulling him into a tight hug as a sob escaped her. "I thought you were right behind me when we escaped the rooftop. I didn't even realise you were gone until I'd made it to the keep!" Aidan felt pained at the guilt and anguish pouring forth from his friend as Hailey spoke, her voice trembling.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm totally fine, without even a scratch to show," Aidan cooed gently while rocking Hailey in his arms in a comforting manner. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Gavin, walking towards them slowly. He had gone to wash the dried blood off and was now wearing a change of clothes. Hailey looked up at Aidan through teary eyes and gave an equally watery smile. When Gavin came to stand beside him, Hailey let go of him to latch onto his brother, who hugged her back tightly.

The dead were laid respectfully within the foyer before further preparations for their funerals could be made. Aidan reluctantly followed Gavin and Hailey into the foyer, fearing who he might find amongst the dead. The loss and pain came swiftly. Aidan gasped in shock when Alfie's body was brought in. Before it had time to sink in, a splash of purple-pink caught his eye and his heart fell to the floor. Two wolves entered the foyer and gently placed Anita beside Alfie. Lying side by side without any noticeable injuries, they could have easily been asleep.

Aidan thought to himself that it was easier that way, to imagine that they were simply in a deep slumber. He desperately wished it were so, even though it was pointless to escape reality. Denial would only lessen a sorrowful blow by a tiny fraction, something Aidan knew from the painful loss of his parents.

Hailey's tears, which the young woman had managed to barely hold back, began free-flowing once more. Aidan understood her grief. He hadn't known them long, but they were good people with whom he had formed the warm bonds of friendship, a bond he imagined would have lasted his lifetime had it been given a chance to grow.

Sensing unspoken anguish, Aidan reached out and placed an arm around Gavin's shoulder as his brother bowed his head in mourning while leaning heavily against Aidan. Gavin had known them far longer, the loss so much more profound.

In total, dozens of wolves and witches were slain by the vampires. Grief and sorrow quickly turned into anger and hatred, as was seen that afternoon when the survivors gathered in the hall for an emergency meeting.

"I know many of you are in mourning for the loss of your loved ones. My heart goes out to you. Your loss is the Clan's loss, and your grief is the collective grief and mourning of every living werewolf," Clan Chieftain Emerie began addressing the solemn crowd.

"I share my deepest condolences with our witch allies, who have lost many of their own. This attack on werewolf headquarters is unprecedented and indicative of the growing brazenness of the vampires. We cannot take this lying down," she said, a cold intensity filling her gaze. "Those that dare attack us will face the consequences." A loud chorus of agreement followed. All around him, Aidan could see determination and cold resolve on the faces of the wolves and witches, the vengeful atmosphere sending a cold shiver down his back. The last thing he wanted was to be in the middle of a bloody war between powerful beings.

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