Chapter 19

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Mathias kept his promise and visited the young witch the following day, the day after, and every day after that. Before he knew it, visiting Emi had become a crucial part of his daily routine, and one that would carry on for years.

At first, Emi pretended that it was she who was doing him a favour by meeting at their hidden spot, but it was not long before all pretence was dropped. Instead, she openly greeted him every day with a warm smile and a twinkle in her mischievous, beautiful eyes, eyes whose depths Mathias found himself drowning in whenever they were together.

The witch was a brat; she was demanding and difficult and loved to get things her way. Moreover, she had an uncanny and innate ability to do or say just the right things to irritate him, making him teeter on the brink of losing his temper, almost as if it were her special Talent. Her daily mission was to tease him until he was indignantly sputtering or downright speechless. Despite all that, Mathias was drawn to her like a moth to a flame because beyond her brattiness, he saw an admirable side to her. She was kind, big-hearted, and secretly a big softie, although he would never dare say so to her face or risk facing her wrath.

The little witch was surprisingly a good listener, and for the first time in his life, Mathias found himself pouring out all his fears and worries, emptying years of pent-up unhappiness in cascading floods of words. She listened without judgement, empathy swimming in her large and expressive eyes. Mathias wasn't sure when it happened, but in his otherwise dim universe, Emi had become a ray of sunshine, the only type that would not burn him to a crisp.

He lasted two months before giving in to the overwhelming urge for honest, full disclosure, revealing his identity as heir to the vampire throne. Fear stabbed at his heart whenever he thought of her reaction to his reveal. Fear of rejection from the only true friend he ever had in his life. But even so, he was determined to tell her the truth. 'Best let her know the truth and face rejection early rather than prolong a friendship that was never meant to be,' he decided.

He was so nervous that he ended up writing his speech on parchment, clammy hands clutching both ends while reading what he had written to her. Her response had been anticlimactic. "Oh really?" She had said, eyes widened in surprise, "that must be stressful," before continuing as if they were discussing the weather. "What is it like to be a prince of a nation?" Mathias could heave a loud sigh of relief. His friendship was secured.

In turn, Emi told him of her life as the daughter of a Witches' Committee Member, her father being one of its prestigious elected members. She was the only child living in the administrative capital city of Onirique, in the witch territory of Earth. The city itself was relatively small because not many witches liked living on Earth due to the mysterious death of more than half the population a few hundred years ago.

"What happened?" Mathias had asked her curiously.

"The vampire king Lucius killed them," she replied solemnly.

"Emi, could you please stop blaming vampires for everything bad that happens to witches?!" Mathias felt his exasperation grow.

"But it is true! All the witches died shortly after Lucius Bloodreign stole Nina Forst's powers!"

"Lucius Bloodreign could only ever wield the power of fire. Think about it, Emi. Would he have lost his life if he could have just killed all his enemies so easily?"

The witch shrugged, having no comeback to his question. The vampire sighed in turn, thinking that he should ask his father about the real reasons the witches died, although this was soon forgotten when other more pressing burdens such as the four different subject essays and three tests due that week addled the young prince's mind.

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