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"Heroes are so cool!"

"I know right! All Might is the best hero!"

"Nah All Might is overrated! Eraserhead is the coolest!"

"You guys have bad taste! Endevour is the coolest!"

"Yuck! imagine liking Endevour!?"

"Who wants to play heroes and villains?"

"I DO!"


"I dibs being All Might!"

"Then I can be Eraserhead!"

"I'll be Endeavour!"

Four children were seen standing at the slide at the playground. Two boys and Two Girls were talking about the heroes. They held the action figures of their favourite heroes. Kotoko had an Eraserhead one, Tanjiro had an Endeavour one, Hiyoko had an All Might one while Nagisa only had a Tamui Woods one.

"I can be the villain!" Nagisa said to his friends.
"Hey Y/N wanna play with Me, Hiyoko, Kotoko and Tanjiro?" Nagisa shouted to a little child sitting in a tree.

"Ew no heroes and suck." Y/N stuck their tongue out at them.

"Aw Y/N your no fun." Kotoko glared at them.

"Yeah and I wanted to be Endeavour..." Tanjiro said sadly.

"No one cares Tanjiro!" Hiyoko hit the other boy on his head.

"Ow! Screw you Hiyoko this is why you got rejected!"


"Guys stop fighting!" Nagisa glared at the two of them.

"I don't understand why you guys love heroes so much." Y/N jumped down from the tree and walked to where their friends were.

"Well heroes save us and help people!" Tanjiro replied smiling.

Y/N chuckled. "Don't you know they don't actually care about us right?"

"Stop lying Y/N of course they do!" Hiyoko replied glaring at Y/N angrily.

"They only save us for fame and money dummy." Y/N's face went dead serious. "If they did care then why didn't they save me or Azzy..." They mumbled quietly.

Kotoko, Nagisa and Tanjiro sighed and walked away while Hiyoko glared at Y/N. "I always wondered why they're still friends with you, probably out of pity for your sad miserable life."

With that, Y/N was left alone in the playground.

Chara: MHA x Child Chara ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now