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(It was a tie between A and E so I flipped a coin and got tails which means E is the option)
You walked towards him, black knife in hand.

He smirked. "You won't really kill me will you."

You said nothing.

He started to get worried. "You're making a grave mistake here!"

You lifted the knife above your head.


You stopped.


Kuni smirked. "I know how to bring back your dear ol' Azzy."

You gripped the knife tightly but didn't move.

"Well then enlighten me."

"Y'know why his body wasn't there?" Kuni stood up, dusting himself off. "It was because he got changed into something else."

Now it was your turn to be confused. "What?"

"I forgot how dense you could be sometimes.." Kuni used his quirk to bound your hands together with light pink chains, making you drop your knife. "Just for precautions, I'm tying you up."

You grumbled but complied.

"Azzy is currently in another body but he has no memories of his past life with you!" Kuni dragged you towards a metal area. "Stand here for one moment!"

"Why." You asked him sceptically.

"It'll help with getting Azzy back.." He replied smirking.

Reluctantly you obeyed. This was all for Azzy after all.


He pressed a button on a control panel and...

He pressed a button on a control panel and

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All you could feel was pain.

A bunch of spikes had pierced through your body causing your HP to decrease drastically.

You knew you shouldn't have trusted him.

"I injected you with something so when you go back to the last save point well..." Kuni smirked. "You'll see..."

Those were the last words you heard before..

Those were the last words you heard before

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[Don't give up now Y/N stay determined!]


[Yes]< [No]

You woke up back in the tree house.

You were all alone in the treehouse. No one was there. Flowey must've left with Eri.

"At least my sweater is there.."
You wore your striped sweater and climbed down from the treehouse.

There was missing posters all over with your face.


You were confused. People were actually searching?

As you walked down the empty street, you could see more and more posters on you.

How nice.

You were glad you escaped Kuni but you still needed to find someone you trusted.


You may have tried to escape from them before but you needed help more than ever.

As you walked, an old memory replayed in your head...



"My experiment failed again.." Kuni sighed in annoyance to the two children.

"Aw it's ok Mr Kuni!" Eight year old Asriel smiled, hugging his leg. "Maybe you should do something to relieve your stress!"

Kuni smiled slightly. "Thank you Asriel I'll take your advice."

10 year old you nodded too. "Yeah maybe take up a hobby!"

"Hm that is a good idea Y/N!" He smiled patting your head. "Why don't you come to my office and help me choose!"

You nodded excitedly. "Yay I have so many good ideas!"

Asriel grumbled. "I wanna come too!"

"Sorry Azzy i chose Y/N first but maybe next time!" Kuni took your hand and took you into his office, closing the door behind him.

That was the day you were violated. Your innocence, taken away from you by him...

Your purity, gone.

Only scars, visible or not, were left..


God you hated remembering that.

You were in front of the gates of U.A.

It was around 1:00am and your body was exhausted. Your eyes were also quite droopy.

Your body was about to collapse at any moment.

With one final step towards the gates, you collapsed and fell into a deep slumber.

(A/N: I'm alive but I've been focused on my exams and all so I won't be on much)

Chara: MHA x Child Chara ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now