Part 1

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Present day character V.O. (V.O. means voice over): [-]

Character thought: {-}

Action: *

Action narration: (-)

Also, Peso is Spanish, and Dashi is American in my AU.


Fade in-


(Everyone is sitting in HQ laughing and having a good time.

Inkling, Barnacles, and Dashi sit at one side of the table, while Kwazii, Peso, and Shellington sit on the other. Tweak stands beside Shellington.)

Inkling while dabbing the tears from his eyes: Oh my, that was funny! That must have been a long time ago. I don't even remember that.

Kwazii: Oh yeah, it was just after NOERA hired us (Authors note: NOERA is the administration that funds "Operation Octonauts." Like NASA.) to work on the Octopod. So, three years ago now?

Dashi: Wow. Can you believe it's been three years already?

Tweak: I know; Time goes so fast. Doesn't it?

Everyone: Yeah...

Everyone: *sigh*

-Dissolves to Flashback-

(Three years ago)

(Tweak and Inkling sit together at the HQ table while everyone else (except Barnacles) is scattered around the HQ.)

Tweak: Man, We must be the only people who didn't get replaced.

Inkling: Perhaps, though we haven't seen our captain yet. We may have to deal with Captain Zap another five years.

Tweak: I hope not! He was terrible.

Inkling: Oh, you shouldn't say such things. He was just very stressed out most of the time.

Tweak: Oh come on, didn't you think he was terrible?

Inkling: Well, of course. But Captain Shade before him was the worst.


(Peso stand next to the ladder into the HQ)

[V.O. Peso: I remember being really nervous when I first got there. I didn't even know what to do.]

{Peso: Flappity Flippers, there are so many people here. I don't think I can do this.

No Peso, you're in your twenties now; you have to act like an adult.

It's your first day, and you need to make a good first impression.}

(Barnacles comes up to Peso from behind)

Barnacles: *clears throat* Excuse me, do you have the time?

(Peso is startled and quickly turns around.)

Barnacles: Oh, I'm sorry. Did I startle you?

Peso: ...No, Señor. Está bien...
Uhh, it's...
(Peso checks his watch)
...10:30. A/N: AM

Barnacles: Thank you. Why don't we get started?

Peso: Oh... Si Señor.

[V.O. Barnacles: I noticed you spoke a lot more Spanish to us at the beginning.

The Octonauts #1 | How we got hereNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ