Chura liya hai tum ne jo dil ko part 4

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Riddhima turned around to see vansh looking at her with bloodshot eyes

Stumbling, he came near her and held her shoulders tightly

Riddhima hissed

She could clearly smell alcohol which was making her nauseous

R: leave me vansh
You are drunk

V: you don't say kabir to leave u when he holds you
Do u like his presence near you

R: mind your tongue vansh

V: oh really
You can do all you want
And I can't even say anything
I know girls like you very well
When i did give you any attention
You opted to trap my brother

Riddhima anger knew no bounds hearing him

Pushing him, she slapped him hard across his face

R: don't you dare raise a finger on my character
You are the one who is having an extra marital affair
You are the one who told me that you have a girlfriend on our wedding night
You are the one who said that you have no interest in fulfilling this marriage
You are the one who made a deal of not interfering in eachother's lives
I never questioned you about your and ragini's relationship
So you have bloody no right to interfere in my life and accuse me

Saying soo riddhima dashed out of the room

Whereas vansh passed out due to being heavily drunk

Next morning:

Vansh opened his eyes as the sharp sun rays pierced the room's darkness

Sitting up, he held his head which was paining badly

Standing under the shower, vansh felt a little peace

Suddenly moments of last night flashed before his eyes

He closed his eyes in frustration and guilt

How could he

How could he say those harsh words to her

He was the one who didn't wanted her in his life

She has all the right to live a happy life with whom ever she wants


Why the mere thought of her going away from him makes him freak out

Why her closeness with kabir was affecting him

Was he loosing his heart to her

Has he fallen in love with his unwanted bride

Vansh closed his eyes as all his moments with riddhima flashed before his eyes

A beautiful smile graced his lips as her innocent face flashed before his eyes

He was in love

He loved his riddhima

But he has to set alot of things right

The top most being

Breaking up with ragini

Hurriedly getting dressed

He rushed to meet ragini

As he entered the apartment, he saw her and her best friend sahil busy eating eachother's face

Vansh simply rolled his eyes and coughed to bring them back from their lala land

Hearing him, both broke the kiss and looked at the door to see vansh standing there with an uninterested look

Ra: vansh

V: you just made my work a lot more easy ragini
I had come here to break up with you
So i guess
We are officially over

Saying soo vansh walked out

Entering inside the house, vansh smiled feeling riddhima's fragrance spread all over there

She was a real angel
Spreading positivity whereas she goes

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw his parents sitting there looking at him angrily

A: vansh
Iam very disappointed in you

Vansh looked him confused

U: kabir told us everything about your deal with riddhima

Vansh looked at them guilty

U: i raised you better than this vansh
How could you

V: mom

U: never the less
This deal of yours end here
Do u agree to that?

Vansh thought that she wants him to start a fresh with riddhima

V(happily): yes
I want to end this deal

U: great
Then it's decided
You will divorce riddhima
And she will be getting married to kabir

The ground slipped beneath vansh's feet as he heard those words.

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