Raaz part 4

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In an abandoned dark room

A man is seen tied with numerous chains

He is struggling hard to free himself but in vain

He screamed at the top of his lungs but none heard his call

He is revealed to be vansh

The person walked inside and smirked seeing him

P: hello vansh
How are u doing today

V: you bastard
Why are you doing this me
Leave me


vihaan laughed evilly and said

Vi: if i had to leave you then I wouldn't have chained you here brother

By the way, see what I brought for you

Saying soo vihaan forwarded a box of sweets to him

Vi: oh i forgot, your hands are chained
Wait i will help you

Picking up one, he forwarded it to vansh

Vansh moved his mouth away

Vi: what is this vansh
Won't you eat sweets
You know the occasion
Your brother got married today

Vansh looked at him surprised

Vi: and do u know who is my bride??


vansh felt as if the ground slipped beneath his feet


vihaan laughed out loud hearing him

Vi: so u don't believe me
Wait i will show u proof

Saying soo vihaan took out his phone from his pocket and showed him the pic of his and riddhima marriage where riddhima was smiling happily

V: no
My riddhima can never marry you
What have u done u bastard??

Vi: I have done nothing

But you

You have done alot

you did a very big mistake vansh
You knew that i loved riddhima since the day i saw her infront of my car
Yet you married her forcefully

I accepted my fate and moved back

But you and your family tortured and mistreated my doll

Her beautiful eyes had tears in them because of you all

And even then you were not satisfied

You jumped off the cliff to give more pain to my jaan

She too was about to end her life that day

But that bastard kabir did the very first good deed of his life and stopped her

You called my jaan betrayer even though you knew since day one that she was a spy and kabir was using her

You sent me to vr mansion to take revenge from her

But how could i ?

I loved her soo much

But still i irritated her and confused her because i knew you were keeping an eye on me all the time

I hated it when she used to cry remembering a bastard like you who wanted nothing but revenge from her

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