Chapter 5

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The discussion on the web, Lin Ji saw them that very night.

He looked through these comments, sneered, and carelessly threw aside his phone.

After a while, he picked up the phone again with a gloomy face.

Holding the phone, Lin Ji opened his agent’s wechat and looked at it for a long time.

The phone remained silent and without activity the entire time.

After a while, Lin Ji covered his eyes and completely gave up all hope.

What was he expecting? The agent’s heart had long since moved on to Xiao Ziqi. Even the assistant that he used for five years was reassigned by his agent for Xiao Ziqi to use. What more did he need to understand?

However, the style of these discussions….

With his face covered, Lin Ji opened his mouth, like a soundlessly snarling wild beast.

This familiar piece of work. If someone told him that these weren't the paid bots bought by his agent, he definitely wouldn’t believe them.

He only never imagined that he and his agent had been working together for eight long years. Now, a mere Xiao Ziqi could have so easily ruined their eight years of camaraderie.

Forget it. Might as well go to sleep.

Throwing aside the phone, Lin Ji quickly went to bed.

What could be more important than his acting job tomorrow?


In the oceanside mansion.

Waking up from his sleep, Rong Qing pretty much no longer needed to remind himself that he had settled into a very wealthy, big boss position. Cheerfully, he headed downstairs to eat breakfast made personally by his chef. Then, after enjoying the gentle ocean wind blowing across his face, he finally leisurely went upstairs to pick out clothes from his closet room.

Good thing the big boss left this skill to him as well. Rong Qing quickly matched up a light grey suit, then picked out a different luxury car from the previous day, before finally casually heading to his company to work.

Once he arrived at the company, everything went swimmingly. This body of his carried an auto-skill system. All of the documents that his assistant, He Qian, gave him to look over were very quickly resolved.

When he started to work, Rong Qing seemed like he had changed into a different person. Astute, calm  collected, and reserved.

(Uploader-san : It had a typo had to change it to the people who are confused as to why the typo was gone, phew good thing I saw the mistake before hand heheh.)

He Qian, who was running behind him left and right, completely didn’t suspect that he was already a different person inside this shell.

When it reached 1pm, Rong Qing momentarily took a break.

Pulling away from his work mode, he immediately thought about his 30 million dollars good top.

Lifting his head, he glanced at He Qian. “I’m going out for a bit. You don’t need to prepare lunch.”

He Qian, who was just about to arrange lunch, heard him and nodded his head.

“Okay. Understood.” That’s fine. Less worry for him.

Rong Qing put on his coat, tidied up a bit, then speedily drove to the film set.

As the sugar daddy, to ask the male lead out to eat lunch wasn’t excessive right? (FYI: the word here is 金主爸爸 Jinzhu baba which means gold financial backer daddy. Aka sugar daddy from now on.)

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