2 A Silent Journey

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Susha Unhuor might have said that he would go and pack his things but actually, there was not much to pack. He went to his room, opened the wardrobe, and looked at the three robes lying inside with a blank expression.

He had traveled for four years before he finally settled down in the Sundang temple. Since then, another three years had gone by. He had thought he found his place here but considering how easy it was to grab his things and just leave, maybe that wasn't the case. While he had never been someone that cared much about worldly possessions, he had still been carrying more with him back when he actively did his duty as a zhireng. Maybe this was a sign.

Susha Unhuor sighed, grabbed the old cloth bag he had thrown at the back of the wardrobe, and stuffed the robes in there. Then, he grabbed the weapon that was standing in the corner of the room, had a look around, and left the room.

He had hardly stepped outside when he saw the old abbot of the temple walk toward him, one of the younger apprentices supporting his arm and watching every little step worriedly.

Susha Unhuor could understand his worry. The old monk looked as if he wouldn't be able to keep walking by himself, his hands slightly shaking while he moved at the pace of a snail even with the apprentice's help. Still, he was walking toward him, obviously having some goal in mind.

Susha Unhuor glanced toward the path behind the two monks and the staircase leading down the mountain that could be seen in the distance. The young king had already waited for several hours. To let him wait again ... Still, he had spent three years in this temple. He could hardly ignore the abbot at this point.

He walked over, meeting the old man halfway. "Anqeng."

The old monk smiled kindly. "Zhireng Susha, have you finished your meeting with your guest? Should we prepare a room so he can stay here as well?"

Susha Unhuor glanced at the bag he had slung over his shoulder and shook his head. "That won't be necessary. Instead, I am afraid that I will have to leave with him."

The abbot slightly furrowed his brows. "Is that for certain? I know this is not my matter to get involved in but you were trying to find peace of mind when you came here. I don't know whether you have found it yet or not but leaving might put that goal in jeopardy. Are you sure you can't stay?"

Susha Unhuor's gaze slowly traveled over the winding paths, the temple in the distance, and the other buildings. This was indeed a peaceful place but if he was honest with himself, then maybe it wasn't a place to achieve peace of mind. Instead, he could not help but question himself inwardly.

Had he made the right decision back then? Had he not? What alternatives had there been? Had his decision changed anything? He didn't know the answer to any of these questions. But he did know that if he didn't listen to the dan's plight and followed him back to En, he would forever regret that decision. Since he already knew that, there was nothing more to think about, was there?

Susha Unhuor turned back to the old monk. "Anqeng, I am grateful that you are looking out for me. But ... I am a zhireng. We are born with the blessing of the gods and we die with it. This power ... it has been given for a certain reason. In this case, it is to give the people the ability to resist the darkness and vanquish the demons. If I did not go, then would I not betray that reason? As a priest, you probably feel that the gods' will should not be ignored."

The old monk's expression was a little difficult when he looked at Susha Unhuor. "While you are not wrong in general, it is difficult to say what the gods' plan is for a single person. Maybe your path is supposed to diverge from what the zhireng usually do."

Susha Unhuor nodded. "Maybe. I guess I will find out in due time." He lightly grabbed the spear, his gaze softening. "I have been hiding from this for a long time. Maybe it is time to return. At the very least, I will give it a try." He gave the old monk a bow. "Farewell." With that, he left and instead went back toward the waiting hall.

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