Chapter 22: Making Plans

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That night, Izuku was wide awake. Ever since he got the key from Squid Baron, he had been making a plan to find Katrina and put a stop to her. At the same time, however, he was very nervous. What if Katrina's home was all a trap? If things went wrong, what could he possibly do? He then thought back to his fight with Shigaraki and how it had made him end up in Sequin Land in the first place.

I barely managed to stop Shigaraki, and yet he still had one last move, he thought. How can I stop him if I couldn't before?

"Izuku," said a soft voice from behind. Izuku looked behind him and saw Shantae rubbing her eyes in her adorable pjs. "Are you okay? I've noticed that you were wide awake. What's wrong?"

"I'm nervous," the green haired hero said with a sigh. "Before I arrived at Sequin Land, I was fighting Shigaraki. I barely won, and before I could help my friends, he opened up a portal and sent me through it."

"Is this Shigaraki fellow very powerful?" Asked Shantae, earning a nod from her brave lover. "So, you're nervous about Katrina being just as if not more powerful than him?" Another nod from Izuku was all she got. "I see."

Seeing the nervous expression on the poor boy's face, Shantae smiled kindly and pulled him into a hug. She stroked his shaggy green hair. She then grabbed his chin and pulled him into a soft sweet kiss.

Izuku felt calm in the warm embrace of the half-genie hero. He wrapped his arms around her waist, making her sigh, and kissed back. The kisses that the hero and the genie shared were always warm and comforting. After a few minutes, they broke the kiss and rested their foreheads against each other.

"Izuku, you don't need to worry too much," said Shantae gently. "I know that you can win this fight. This time, you're not alone! You have Bakugo, Kirishima, Ochako, Todoroki, and me! We're all in this together."

Izuku smiled and nodded. "Thanks, Shantae," he said. "I needed that. Hopefully, we can win this fight and save everyone!"

Shantae held him close to her. "I know we can win. Now, come on. You need to rest for now." She firmly but gently led him to his bed and laid him down. Before Izuku could protest, she laid down next to him and snuggled up to him. Then she stroked his hair and began to hum a very soothing melody.

Izuku listened to the soothing melody and started to feel sleepy. He yawned and tried to speak. But Shantae gently laid his head against her smooth and warm belly as she continued to hum. He blushed a little, but the warmth of his girlfriend's belly began to soothe him even more. Soon, he fell fast asleep, having been lulled by the beautiful sound of Shantae's humming and the warm feeling of her belly against his head.

Shantae smiled at her now sleeping cinnamon roll boyfriend. She laid back, still stroking his hair before saying these five words: "Goodnight, Izuku! I love you!"


The next morning, Deku, Shantae, and their hero friends were getting ready to set off and find the hideout of Katrina the Rogue Genie. Deku, Ochako, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki were now dressed in their hero costumes; Shantae was finishing up her hair as it was now ready to whip some bad guys. Each of the heroes felt different about the upcoming battle.

Deku was nervous about facing a powerful magical being, but he put on a brave smile as he reminded himself that he was fighting to protect Shantae from the rogue genie's wrath. Shantae was a very special and important person to him. The thought of her beautiful smile being taken away by a villain made him determined to win for her sake. He refused to let another villain steal a smile like what happened when he faced Overhaul.

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