Chapter 27: Clash of the Dekus!

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The four hero Dekus faced Villain Deku as they stayed focused. Villain Deku growled angrily. "Am I the ONLY Deku who ever became a villain?!" He shouted. "This is not right at all!"

"Oh, grow up," said the Deku with a straw hat as his fist lit up with fire. "Life is never fair! But I choose to live life without regrets!"

The black-suited Deku put his hands in his pockets as he stared at the villain counterpart. "You have bad manners," he said. "Not as bad as other people I know in my world, but still bad manners!"

The third Deku stepped up with a windy aura around him. "I can only guess why you became a villain," he said. "Someone told you that you can never be a hero because you have no Quirk."

"Exactly," said Villain Deku as he took a fighting stance. "How did you know that?"

"Because I was told the same thing," said the third Deku.

"So was I," said the second Deku.

"Even I was told that," said the original Deku.

"I already had my father's fire power, but I had to keep it hidden so I wouldn't be hunted by the insane World Government," said the straw-hat-wearing Deku. "All of that because my old man was considered to be a villain by the world!"

Villain Deku growled. "If that's the case, then how did you all become heroes?" He asked. "You know what? I don't care! I'll take you all on! Starting with YOU!"

He charged at the black-suited Deku, feeling as if he could win since this Deku was Quirkless. However, the Deku simply lifted his leg up and said, "That's bad manners."


Villain Deku was met with a barrage of kicks. He was sent flying backwards several feet until he stopped. He slowly stood up and stared at him with disbelief.

"What is this?!" He exclaimed. "You have no Quirk! Who are you?!"

"Called me Black-Leg Deku," said the Deku who had kicked him. "I learned the art of the Black-Leg. I fight with my legs. I trained very hard since I was child until I could hold my own against villains with powerful Quirks."

Deku stared at him in awe. "Whoa," he exclaimed. "That's so cool!"

Black-Leg smiled. "Thanks," he said. "I'm doing everything I can to prove that even a Quirkless person can be a hero."

Villain Deku raced towards the group... only for his face to be met with a fist surrounded by a bright green flame!


The straw-hatted Deku shouted as he punched Villain Deku. "I am Fire-Fist Deku. My flames are hotter than any flames you've ever experienced. I also have the power of One For All."

Villain Deku suddenly found himself getting doused with water. He saw that it came from the fourth Deku. "What kind of Deku are you?!" He asked.

"You can call me Avatar Deku," said the final Deku. "I have control over all of the elements: Fire, water, wind, and earth!"

Villain Deku was suddenly lifted up. "But that's not all," Avatar Deku added. "I also have the power of telekinesis. And, yes, I too have the power of One For All."

Villain Deku growled as he was held in place. "You all have One For All and another Quirk?!" He asked.

"No," said the OG Deku. "Black Leg is Quirkless. One For All is the only Quirk I have. Though, I had no idea about the black tendrils that I used earlier. Something called Black Whip."

Villain Deku was getting more and more furious. "Well then, let me ask you all one more question," he said. "Did Bakugo ever tell you to kill yourself due to not having a Quirk?"

The four other Dekus sighed and nodded. "He did," said the OG Deku. "But even so, I never stopped trying to be a hero. I had some help from All Might and other people I became friends with."

"The same thing happened with me," said Black-Leg Deku. "But I never cared about having a Quirk. As someone who was trained by Red-Leg Zeff, I got stronger and stronger. I vow to not only be the strongest Quirkless hero to ever exist, but to also find the All Blue."

"The only reason Bakugo ever told to kill myself and hope for a new Quirk was because he was unaware that I had my father's power," said Fire Fist.

"She told me that because I was Quirkless and considered to be weak," said Avatar Deku.

All the other Dekus, except for Black-Leg, stared at him with wide eyes. "What?" Avatar Deku asked.

"Bakugo is a girl in your world?!" OG Deku asked.

"Well, look at that," said Black-Leg. "I thought I was the only one."

"How many dimensions are there with a female- You know what? I don't care," Villain Deku exclaimed. He broke out of Avatar Deku's telekinesis and glared at the others. "Let's just finish this!"

"Yeesh, so impatient," said Black Leg.

"All right, let's do this," said Fire Fist.

"The sooner we wrap this up, the sooner I can get home," said Avatar.

OG nodded and took a fighting stance. After a few moments of intense staring, the Hero Dekus charged at Villain Deku. Quirks clashed with one another as punches and kicks were let loose!

Villain Deku managed to grab one of Black Leg's legs... only to get kicked in the face by the other leg! As he got back up, he found himself jumping back as Avatar attacked him with fire, water, wind, and earth! He used a shield to block the attacks. But due to his backside being unprotected, he felt powerful heat coming from Fire Fist, who punched him in the middle of the back!

Detroit Smash!

OG slammed his fast into Villain Deku's face using a powerful punch! Villain Deku crashed far away before getting back up. With a loud cry, he slammed his fist into the ground, causing rubble to fly at the heroes.

The heroes quickly dodged out of the way! Avatar began to shoot flame-covered chunks of rock at Villain Deku. VD punched the rock, only to be met with a kick to the face from Black Leg!

VD began to gather pieces of earth and covered them in electricity! With a loud cry, he threw the huge ball of earth at OG. Fire First shoved him out of the way before shooting flames from his fingertips!

Fire Pistol!

The fire covered VD's body, making him scream. He then growled in annoyance and began to zip around! One by one, he gave each of the heroes a harsh punch to the gut! As the Heroes tried to recover their strength, they were pushed back by a powerful force of wind from VD!

They slowly got back up and glanced at their enemy. They were admittedly impressed by how powerful he was.

"Damn, he's too strong," said Avatar.

"How can we beat this guy?!" Fire Fist asked.

"Maybe... we don't need to beat him," said OG. "What if... he needs to be saved?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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