Chapter One

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Chapter One

*Note: This is part of a series. Read "Inferi" first, then this story :o


An order. That's what that was. It wasn't a desperate plea or sweet begging. It was a harsh, demanding order that I dare not for a second ignore.

It didn't matter that I wasn't fond of this process. It didn't matter what I thought at all, actually. All that mattered was that the person below me was pleased to the deepest core of his dark, shriveled soul. He wasn't going to stand for disobedience, especially not when it came to the most important part of his day.

It wasn't one of the three meals that he ate alone in his quarters or when he sat on his throne and condemned people for merely being unamusing.

"I said harder, damn it!"

His voice was cold and angry. I obeyed without a word, clasping his hips in my hands and ramming myself further into his hot depths, listening to him moan. It wasn't that he ignored the bloody claw marks on his back or the fact that his muscles had torn or that the puncture wounds in his neck could be near fatal to a mortal. No, in fact... While others would be sobbing or wailing in agony, the immortal being before me never made such a sound, despite his savage wounds.

No, he moaned. He relished in it. He writhed in pleasure from the pain he was ordering me to give him. He savored every moment my claws tore through his tender flesh, splitting his porcelain skin and laying it open to deep red blood that oozed out onto the pearly white sheets; sheets that were purposely white just so he could see his blood on them. He delighted in the pain, basked in it.

The first time I had been ordered to do this, I had been hesitant. I soon learned that being hesitant in this duty was not an option. While the being below me allowed himself to be beaten and torn by me, and me alone oddly enough, he was not someone to fool around with. I was beaten for my insolence and returned to my duty.

My job, as I had originally thought, was to be a bodyguard, to be the first in command when it came to the army that protected the famed River Styx, named after the great Titaness that all oaths should be sworn upon her and her river. I was to be the righthand of my lord, to do as he ordered and nothing less.

I'm not sure if I would have declined, knowing that this would be one of my duties.

But, I suppose, pleasing my master was one of my duties, and no matter the outrageous request, I was to do it.

"Yesss," He purred, arching his back, letting blood bubble past the fresh gashes on his back, his red hair tossed over his shoulder as he closed his equally red eyes in bliss, "Ungh, yes! Rip me apart!" I wasn't allowed to stare at his face too long, so I switched my gaze to his thick red hair. It fell just above his shoulders in loose, silky waves and the color was as dark as the blood that gushed from his wounds and down his inner thighs. His eyes were no different, save for the occasional glow of anger and hatred.

He suited his realm far too well.

As a Son of Hades, the Warden of the River Styx, Theo was the most obscene masochist I had ever known in my entire lifetime, which, suffice it to say, is a very, very long time.

Theo had ordered this of me the moment I had come into his service. He hadn't come off as the masochistic type at first, but rather the sadistic type. That changed the moment he ordered me to his chambers and stripped in front of me, then ordered me to abuse him. I hadn't understood and refused, resulting in my severe punishment.

Now, I knew better.

When Theo ordered you to do something, you dare not refuse should you be stripped of dignity and power. And while that had already been done to me before, I wasn't going to have this repeated time and time again, so I fell into this painful schedule.

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