Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"Un-fucking-believable. I can think of twenty other things I'd rather be doing right now and getting up at eight in the morning for a meeting with my least favorite people is not one of them."

I watched Theo patiently as I stood by the door of his bedroom, hands folded behind my back. Theo in his walk-in closet, tossing clothes out behind him before stepping out with a silky black shirt to match his sleek black jeans.

"What about this?" He asked flatly. My opinion hardly mattered when it came to clothes, but I nodded anyway and Theo made a face, looking about ready to throw it on the floor where the rest of his clothes were scattered, but I cleared my throat and he stopped to glare at me.

"We're going to be late if we don't hurry, Theo." I told him, making Theo scrunch his nose up before he threw the shirt at me, but I caught it before it could hit me in the face.

"This is your fault, you know," He pointed out, snatching a dark red and black streaked shirt from the floor, "If we hadn't spent all night... Well... You know, then I wouldn't be so bloody exhausted."

"Pardon my jest, but you do know you're the one who asked for it."

"You can't say no?"


"You just did."

"Theo, we have a meeting to get to." I drawled, making Theo snort and tug the shirt on over his head before he came over to me, grabbing my arm roughly. We both vanished in a cloud of smoke, reappearing just outside Malachi's front doors. I was relieved that the rain had stopped. Instead of knocking, however, Theo threw open the door and came inside, head held high as if he owned the place. I followed obediently behind him, closing the door behind me.

Inside, Theo's brothers were already waiting. Everyone seemed to have returned to normal, no longer sickly and pale. Cain had even returned to dressing in scanty clothing, a black corset and matching leather pants with a choker that gleamed with blue sapphires. Abel was glaring at him as if he were the scum of the earth again, sitting on the opposite side of the room in his black leather catsuit. Adrian and Malachi stood near him, probably to make sure he didn't jump Cain, who hardly paid his twin any mind and was muttering something to Hannibal under his breath-- something that made Hannibal smirk and glance over at me. I frowned instantly.

"About time you showed up." Cerberus announced, pushing off the wall and hooking his thumbs into his belt loops, giving Theo a cheeky smirk. Theo curled his lip at him in disgust, folding his arms over his chest and taking on a pose that was quite sassy.

"Sorry, I was busy. Next time you guys shouldn't schedule one of these stupid things this early in the morning. Who the fuck gets up this early anyway?" He demanded, scanning his brothers, who gave Theo very unamused stares.

"Good to have you back." Cain snorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Glad to see you're still dressing like a Chinese prostitute." Theo threw back. Cain glared at him before Malachi cleared his throat. Everyone looked at him, hardly interested in what he had to say. It didn't matter, though, because this was a meeting and Malachi was the speaker-- whenever Adrian wasn't anyway.

"I'm glad everyone's doing better," Malachi said, glancing at each of his brothers before his eyes landed on Theo, who narrowed his eyes and prepared himself for a jab, only to be surprised as Malachi continued, "And I'm glad to have you back, Theo. The real you. Epimetheus did a really bad job pretending to be you."

"Hm," Theo responded, folding his arms over his chest and lifting his chin defiantly, "He did a really good job pretending to be Sept too. Thanks for noticing." Everyone glared at Theo now. I sighed, reaching up to brush my hair out of my face, shaking my head before Malachi continued.

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