Chapter 17 - A trip through Bagghar

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The Milanese Nightingale
John Williams

Third POV

The Lieutentant had arranged three camels for them to get to Bagghar. Wishing all of them a save journey. They thanked him for his help and set off.

After a reasonable amount of time, they arrive on top of a hill. The trio and their animal companions admiring the city of Bagghar, below in the valley.
A luxurious villa/castle on top of the mountain overviewing the lake, that was created by the dam. Which blocked the water from streaming down to the city.

Then from the mountain walls, all the way to the bottom where the docks where located, where little colourful houses. And sure enough, a familiar ship was located at a little distance from the docks.

"He is here." (Y/N) said, her head turned slightly ro the side. Tintin was soon to copy her movements, he too spotting the ankered Karaboudjan. Captain Haddock glancing her way in confusion, before following to where her finger pointed to the ship below.

From now on it would be a 'game'.
A race to be the first to get the clue from the Unicorn model.

-Time Skip-

Your POV

We were currently walking through a local marketplace. The place was absolutely packed with people.
We dodged the many people that pasted us. A woman trying her hardest to manage the water pump as the line of people grew longer. Barely any water came out. The customers complaining on why it took so long.

We passed many obtrusive merchants, trying to stop us to admire their 'treasures'. Which resulted in us having to 'friendly' push them or their hands to the side. As a sign we had no interest in their goods.

Apart from that, we all got some odd looks, mostly me in particular. Certainly, we were strangers to them, dressed completely different to them.
Me walking around with my face and hair completely visible was a big difference to the other women who were practically covered from head to toe, only their eyes and sometimes forehead were visible.

I walked in between Tintin and Haddock, my eyes scanning our surroundings for any sign of Sakharine or his men. "It's no good. They could be anywhere." Haddock sighed, clearly starting to grow tired. The captain resting a hand on my shoulder while catching his breath, his other pushing away a snow globe a merchant was trying to sell him.

I noticed Tintin glancing behind us. His eyes seemed focused something. Immediately after he turned back around, his pace going a little faster then before. He lay his hand on my lower back to keep up the same pace as him. A sign to keep going.

"(Y/N), Captain. Don't look now, but I think we're being followed." Tintin mumbled to us discretely. Snowy walking a few paces ahead along with (P/N).

I knew I was being watched, but I honestly though it was just by the locals.
Haddock spun around beside me, as if admiring the goods that were on sale.

"Yes, we are." He sighed softly, rubbing his hands together and rolling his shoulders back and forth.
We kept on walking, taking a turn into a random side street. Seeing as we heard the even pare of footsteps growing closer, we turned into another ally way. Tintin and I each hide behind a narrow wall on the side. Haddock too standing pressed up with his back against the wall.

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