Chapter 12

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A week had past since everything had happened, Landon did his normal thing and ran away. Hope was decently happy because she didn't have to do the dirty work and break up with him. She had no idea where her boyfriend not boyfriend went along with his friend Raf, a part of her hoped they were safe and another part...well she just could give two fucks, she honestly wanted to forget about the good times she had with Landon all together.

Jo meddled with the necklace Hope had given her "to make quiet things heard" She loved that necklace...but she also loved Hope. And she was going to admit that. After all, her best friend wasn't dating the auburnette anymore now was he?

She knocked on the door, Maya answering. She didn't look to happy..She looked sad. "Shes not doing too great, Josie" She frowned, letting the brunette in. Last time she saw Hope the girl seemed fine..leveled. And of course she did, she can put up a good front.

Josie went into the girls room slowly. "Hey" She said with a soft smile hoping it would comfort the girl.

"Jo" She pulled the covers off her head once she heard the girls voice. "Lay with me?" She was hesitant but she still chose to lay with the short girl. Hope covered them both with the covers. The brunette turned to face the paler girl, wanting to speak but Hope spoke first. "Im glad you're here" She said softly. "Yeah, I just wanted to check on you"

The brunette knew it wasn't a good time to admit her feelings, Hope looked terrible. Did she really miss Landon that much? He wasn't good for her, he wasn't right. She knew that wasn't something you'd say about your friend but it was true...he couldn't protect Hope like Josie could..Not that the auburnette really needed any protection.

"Thank you" Hope leant in..slowly. Josie was getting heated, was Hope finna kiss her? This was wrong...but it seemed so right. And Hope did kiss her..just not on the lips but on the cheek. "Im glad I met you, Jo"

Jo couldn't explain what was going on in her head, her heart. Everything was jumbled up and her heart was racing with how close Hope was but it wasn't the right time. She couldn't speak, she couldn't move. Hope was sad, this would be taking advantage of her. So she just laid there, they laid there together in silence before they fell asleep.

"You cant sleep all day!" Maya shouted, bursting through the door to find the girls cuddled up. She shipped them, they were cute. Josie was way better than that mutt they called Landon.

Jo jumped awake, Hope following behind quickly moving off the girl. "Why cant we?" The red headed girl pouted. "Because its the next day! You slept for over 10 hours!"

Josie looked at the time, glad it was the weekend. Her sister was probably worried about her but she didn't mind because she had Hope near her, the girl she finally admitted she liked, the girl she needed to tell she liked. The feeling she had for her bothered her so much, she just wanted to say it she wanted to tell her everything or she was going to explode. But she just had to wait a little longer, just a tiny bit longer. Just to get the time right..

She turned to Hope, the girls eyes were drowsy but still so colorful. COULD THEY JUST KISS ALREADY?

Maya left for a split minute coming back with a Pillow to throw at the two "Get up!"

Hope threw it back just as knock flooded the little dorm. Josie prayed it wasn't Landon, a small part of Hope wanted it to be, she missed the boy no matter how annoying he was.

Maya went to go see who it was, the girl bursted in. "Dear sister, I know you're here!" Lizzie shouted, walking into the room. She shut the door once she saw them in the bed together. "Ew!" She gaged.

Jo rolled her eyes, getting up from the bed. "Stay" Hope frowned and thats what made every part of Josies body want her to stay. So she laid back down. "We're not doing anything" She called out to the door. The blonde came back in, looking the two up and down. She thought they were cute...that didn't mean she wanted to walk in on the two making love tho.

"You been sleeping here?" Lizzie asked, her arms crossed. "A warning next time"

"Im sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen" She told the girl. Then she turned to Hope "Not that I regret it"
They laughed, joked around had a few drinks. Jo had way more than a few, her tolerance wasn't as high as Hopes and she thought getting drunk would give her a few minutes to forget how strong her feelings for the girl were.

"I love you Hopey!" She shouted, leaning on the red headed girl. Hope laughed "You're so drunk"

"And I so want you" Jo yelled once again. "Okay.." Lizzie grabbed her sister. "I think its time for us to go" She slurred. "No, you guys can sleep on the couch, you're drunk and I'd prefer for my favorite witches not to die"

Maya laughed "Im her favorite Werewolf" She said with happiness. Hope just rolled her eyes, she was stuck with a dorm filled of drunk girls. And Jo..she looked sexy drunk. That was until she ran to the sink to puke. "Okay, thats enough for tonight" Hope pushed her lips together, holding the brunettes hair back. Jo began to pout. "Now I cant kiss you" She frowned. "What?" Hope was shocked, she was confused. Jo wanted to kiss her. "My mouths pukey"

"You guys are so gay" Lizzie said from the couch. "Its disgusting"

"Oh shut up" Hope held the middle finger up. "Lets get you cleaned up Jo...

Short Chapter but you guys wanted one so im handing it to you <3

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