Chapter 13

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Josie was tired of keeping her secret, yeah shes probably one of the many reasons they werent together already but now they had the chance. It would be wrong to Landon but he would understand...She loves Hope.

She grabbed Hope out of her class with fake tears, telling the teacher she just needed to borrow the Mikaelson for just a few minutes. It worked, she laughed to herself inside her head.

"Jo! Whats wrong?!" Hopes hand was on her shoulder, her eyes filled with worry but all Jo could really think about was her lips and how nice they looked with the dark lipstick.

"Jo?" Hope stared in to her eyes, Josie finally snapping out of her love for the girl enough to pull her in to the closest bathroom. "I have something to tell you"

The girl still had her worried look "What is it? You can tell me anything"

Jo gulped, what if Hope had lost her feelings for the brunette? No, she cant think like that she needed this feeling out in the open no more excuses.

"I have feelings for you" She admitted, taking a deep breath. "And I know I shouldn't, but I cant get the thought of you out of my head, I couldn't since the first time I saw you" She explained, making sure to take in all the auburnettes expressions. "I  love you Hope Mikaelson, you are the lo—"

Hope leant in, their lips connecting. Josie didnt expect this, not one bit but she sure as hell didnt regret anything. This meant Hope liked her back and it was enough to suffice the nervous pit inside her.

She slid her hand up to the girls neck, her thumb rubbing against her jaw as she lent in more to the kiss. Her mouth opening slowly, she wanted to stick her tongue in to deepen the kiss more..for her to share all her love with the other girl.

But she didnt want to ruin this moment. She tilted her head more to the side her mouth slowly opening and closing to trap the other girls lips in hers.

Hope wasnt fighting this anymore, instead she was drowning in it. But she had to pull away first, Josies eyes opening slowly as if this was all a dream.

"I have feelings for you too, Jo and I always have" She spoke, her breath labored. "I hoped so" Jo replied with a smile. Where would they go from here?

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Hope asked, her eyes blinking pleadingly.

"Yes!" Jo gave the girl a tight hug, spinning her in the air. "I do have to get back to class tho" She pointed to the bathroom door, Jo putting her down "Right!"

This is the end, the two girls ended up getting married Lizzie fell in love with MG and moved in with Jo and Hope. They were happy and Mizzie even ended up having a cute little girl named Lola. They were all happy and a family, not a day met with saddness again for them.

516 words

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