Chapter 31 || "Friends with benefits?"

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- Pandora -

I woke up on Saturday morning with mascara on my pillow, drool down my chin and the taste of Ashton on my tongue. The memories of last night were vivid, playing over and over in my fuzzy brain.

The minute I had exited that cubicle, the night had been completely chaotic.

First off, Natalia went missing. One minute she was dancing with Calum, the next nobody could find her. She simply vanished from the dance - and I still don't really know where she went.

To say Luke was worried was an understatement, he was petrified. He would constantly conjure up a random explanation to why she could have disappeared, only to deny everything he had just said and point out the flaws. It was stupid, but I knew he was just trying to distract himself.

Evie finally managed to calm him down again - admittedly after a couple more drinks - but he continued to worry, constantly searching the hall for her familiar black curls. I helped him look for a while - partly because I was worried and partly because I was trying to avoid Ashton - but I found nothing.

Nothing except problem #2.

So apparently the girl Calum had secretly been crushing on came to the dance, and looked might fine, and may or not have offered to make out with him in the Janitors Closet. And I was nowhere near prepared when I flung open that blue door, only to come face to face with Calum's lips hungrily attacking hers.

He wasn't prepared either.

Calum drew away from the girl faster than you could say cheater, his eyes wide with horror and guilt. I had caught him red handed - or should I say red mouthed - and he had no clue what to do. Neither of them did.

As casually as I could, I slowly shut the door, attempting to erase the image from my brain. Calum came rushing out seconds later, but I ignored all his protests, speed walking down the corridor and back into the busy hall. Nothing he could say would change the way I felt right now.

As usual, Evie's sixth senses kicked into gear and she came rushing over, her eyes filled with a motherly type concern. I really wished I had picked a full face mask, for I couldn't help the way my lips turned down at the corners as I attempted to smile, acting as if everything was completely okay.

I was - and always will be - a terrible liar.

"What happened?" She asked, her eyes narrowed with confusion.

I shrugged off her question, knowing if I even attempted to reply, I would end up telling her everything. I didn't want to be the one to ruin my best friend's relationship, so I kept quiet.

"Seriously Pandora," she persisted, slightly poking my side "what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I lied, lowering my head so she couldn't see the guilt in my eyes "I'm just a bit worried about Natalia, that's all."

"There's no reason to worry Pandi," she sighed, gently placing her hand on my shoulder "I'm sure she just went home or something."

"Yeah." I mumbled, wishing the ground could just open up and swallow me whole.

But sadly the laws of physics didn't bend on my accord, and I remained standing in front of Evie, awkwardly studying my bright red shoes in a desperate attempt to conceal my guilt.

I didn't want to lie to her, but I couldn't tell her the truth - not tonight, anyway.

"Do you want some punch?" Evie asked, shooting me a questioning look.

I gently nodded, wincing slightly as her fingers intertwined with my own. My hands were the clammiest things on Earth at the moment, and Evie wasn't exactly the most oblivious person. She was bound to know something was up.

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