Chapter 1

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"Goodbye Dad, I love you" Faith said into her phone and after he responded she hung up

She ended up running into Hope "Oh sorry Hope," Faith said but kept walking

When Faith got to her room Hayley was waiting for her "I need you to tell your dad that he needs to start speaking to Hope," Hayley said using her mom tone that never worked on Faith

"I just got off the phone with him, he is busy that is why we aren't talking right now," Faith said rolling her eyes

Hayley glared at her "Faith Rebekah Mikaelson call your father" Hayley said starting to get mad

"No, he won't even answer because he is currently busy" Faith said getting mad as well

What shocked Faith the most was when Hayley slapped her really hard on her face

"Fine I will call him" Faith said glaring at her mother trying not to cry

Hayley wanted to apologize but refrained from it

"Faith?" Klaus said confused on why she called again

"Uh, please just call Hope" Faith said holding back her tears trying her best to refrain herself from holding her face

"Faith, are you okay?" Klaus asked not liking her tone of voice and how it cracked as she spoke

"I'm fine dad, I will talk to you tomorrow," Faith said and hung up her phone

Hayley smiled in triumph and left the room

Faith locked her door and put up a spell blocking anyone from hearing inside and called her father again while crying

"Faith is something wrong?" Klaus said extremely worried now as she has called three times in one day and now was crying

"Mom slapped me and made me tell you to call Hope" Faith said sobbing on her floor

"She slapped you!" Klaus said almost yelling but didn't want to scare Faith

"Yes" Faith said in a quiet tone

"I will call you back in exactly 10 minutes, don't leave your room," Klaus said and hung up the phone and called Caroline Forbes-Salvatore

Faith Rebekah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now