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Louis was preparing the apartment for Harry to come over. He knew that tonight was either going to make or break them.

Ever since the dinner things have been super weird between them, the silent meetings, the work dynamic was officially taking a toll on everyone.

No one was happy anymore, and Harry barely smiled.

Zayn and Louis shared few words about what happened and Derek confronted Louis about Harry on the way home that night.

"Alexis knows something is going on between you and Harry." He said quietly in the passenger seat. "The thing is, is there anything?"

Louis gripped the steering wheel, his mind flickering to the lingering kiss in the kitchen, the way Harry knew he was panicking and to help him.

He didn't want any of this to happen. He didn't want to be attached, he didn't want to want him. He hated that he allowed what happened after the Halloween party to happen.

But he couldn't take it anymore, Harry was just the guy he always wanted. Harry was the man that he wanted more than anyone he has ever met.

"I don't know what answer you want." He sighed out, "I don't know what is going on between us and I don't know if you want to know the truth." Louis swallowed, now feeling guilty for potentially hurting Derek the way Harry was hurting Alexis.

But the brunette man shook his head, looking out the window, "I don't consider this anything. I knew once we started talking and you spoke about Harry that whatever the case was I never stood a chance. I just want honesty. Is it true?"


"What happened the night after the Halloween party?" He asked, his voice quiet. It was laced with the guilt that Louis and Harry were feeling. It was penetrated into their cores and now everyone was involved.

Everyone knew what was going on, or some fragment of it and it was all happening under Alexis nose.

"We went home together." Louis choked out, "we didn't sleep together but we," he felt himself getting overwhelmed again, "we did other things."

Derek looked at Louis in shock, "what? I was over there the day after and we had sex Louis. Why would you do that? Why would you even allow that to happen knowing he is married."

"Because I'm selfish? Because Harry came into my life so unexpectedly and just warped everything. Fucking it up completely? I don't know. I didn't mean for this to happen, I didn't meant to hurt you or drag Alexis and everyone else into it."

"You didn't hurt me." He said seriously, "I'm just shocked. In both of you I guess. I never expected you to have sex with someone the day after almost having sex with someone else. Or Harry to even want to cheat. He seems like someone who is settled and happy in life."

Louis looked at Derek, tears now falling from his eyes. This was the first time he released his emotions about the entire situation, "I didn't mean to use you. I just wanted the feelings to go away. I don't want to love him, I don't want to want him."

"I know. I can tell. But the heart sometimes calls the name of our least expected candidates."

Harry was dressed in his unusual attire, he was wearing jeans and a button up, his long hair being pulled back into a bun.

He looked at himself in the mirror, nerves rushing over his entire body. He didn't know what was going to happen tonight, and he didn't know what he was even going to say to Louis.

Alexis was watching in from the bed, she had been watching closely since the dinner. She had no idea who the man she called her husband was, or what had happened that he could've possibly been cheating.

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