Chapter Twenty-Three: You Happy?

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Chapter Twenty-Three: "You Happy?"

WHEN THE FOUR OF us had left the record store, it was still early in the afternoon. And based on Iman's energy and the fact that none of us had anything better to do for the rest of the day, we were definitely staying in the city.

Aven, Immanuel, Larine and I explored the downtown streets, distracted from anything and everything connected to Hemmingway for the entire day. Most of our time until the bright, good for nothing, sun started to dip into the horizon was spent walking, taking the train.

The train ride initially consisted of Iman seeing if he could touch a far wall at each subway platform and make it back in the train in time. When he was stopped by a security guard at the Dundas subway platforms, he halted his actions and the lady who had been sitting near us sighed in relief.

I sat on one of the red seats of the subway train next to Larine with Aven on the other side and Iman standing between us. Aven's eyes were closed, his head leaning against one of the plastic panels dividing his seat from the doors. As the PA system announced the next stop of another station, Iman turned where he stood, his hands holding onto a parallel bar above me and Larine's head as he read an advertisement plastered high on the walls of the train.

Larine's eyes were on the window. The window showed nothing but the darkness of the tunnel we were currently going through. Thanks to Iman, I had learned more about Larine throughout today than I had since I had officially met her back in August when she responded to me, Mariam's and Yasmeen's posting of looking for a roommate on Instagram.

She had an older sister. She competed in squash for intramural teams at HU and is captain for the one she's playing right now. Her tall height and lean build hinted that she had played volleyball once in her lifetime and she confirmed it but said she didn't have much love for the game. I learned she loved pickles, something I never could understand but shared a love of pistachio mint ice cream much to Aven and Iman's dismay.

Iman's stopped reading the advertisement, his eyes falling upon Larine's. Then he looked at me. Looked back at her. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. I watched him wait until we got to the next train station. The doors slid open, people filing in and out and the beeping sound of the subway system filled my ears. Along with interesting smells I chose. Iman tapped at his phone excessively (probably to get the Wi-Fi) before he pocketed the device. Then he turned around. He lightly kicked Aven in his outstretched foot, attempting to grab his attention.

Aven didn't stir and that made Iman frown. The man practically kicked Aven. Instantly Aven groaned, shooting to his feet to glare at Iman who was grinning at him. "What?"

"Good, you're awake." Iman turned to Larine just as the doors closed and the train started moving again. He was about to lightly tap her with his nice shoes, but the interaction had already made Larine tear her eyes from the window and peer up at Iman with curiosity.

"Since I have all of your attention. I have an announcement," He cleared his throat. Aven rolled his eyes but kept a light smile on his face. "Music."

"Where is this going?" I asked him.

He looked down at Larine. "Larine, do you like music?"

Larine nodded. "I used to go to festivals all the time in summer with a few friends from back home." Her hometown was also on the west coast like the boys in front of me, a complete contrast to Ontario.

"So, you like concerts."

"I don't think I like them as much as Jaime does--"

"No one likes concerts more than Jaime does. She's another being. I genuinely think someone gives her a drug when she's there but it's all her." Iman said, his eyes wide. Probably with the memory of the only concert we've actually been to together, last year's Homecoming festival.

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