Under the stars

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A/N: You and your partner have decided to take a break from adventuring. Fortunately, the stars are there to brighten your night!


As you rested under the stars, you asked Marnie to sing something to make this even better. She said no at first, but Morpeko fetched her acoustic guitar

She sighed with a huge blush in her cheeks, but eventually, she gave in and began to sing in such a tender voice

The beautiful sight of nature at night, combined with the audience of her beloved pokemon and you gave the girl more than enough inspiration for an unforgettable performance

"I...I wouldn't mind doing this again" -Marnie



She had called you one night to the beach. You were surprised to find a blanket waiting for you and a small lamp

She admitted to you that she liked to stop and stargaze every now and then, but she always did it alone or with her pokemon

This time, she decided to invite you

The calm sound of the waves and her cheerful exposition of the stars made for a memorable night

And it would be the first of many

"Thanks for answering my call, it...it means a lot" -May



Once you were settled in, you cooked together a nice meal and ate in front of the small bonfire, surrounded by your pokemon

It was surprisingly fast the way you set the camp and prepared a meal, but you two certainly took your time to appreciate it, and the view even more so

As you sat together to eat, you looked at the stars, and she even leaned on your shoulder with a peaceful smile

"It doesn't matter how much I go camping, this never gets old" - Gloria



She wasn't used to this kind of thing, being that she doesn't most of her time in the cities, always looking ahead for her next objective

So when you invited her to a spot only you knew to watch the stars, she didn't know how to act

You lied together in the grass, your jacket serving as a blanket underneath as you were close to each other

Serena was snuggling against your chest and her eyes remained in awe at the lights only nature could offer

"This is beautiful! Thank you so much for inviting me" -Serena



Whenever you weren't chasing her down or trying to drop her team's evil plans, things were pretty peaceful

One night, you received one of her enigmatic messages giving you coordinates

When you arrived, you were surprised to find that it was a popular place in the region to stargaze, and we're even more surprised to find Courtney in casual clothing and a radio, smiling at you

You talked about random topics and eventually decided to watch the stars together. She took the chance to grab your hand

"You know? This is a nice break from our usual game" - Courtney



She found you one night sitting on a bench by yourself looking at the stars

The gym leader asked you what you were doing and you explained that you were stargazing and even asked if she wanted to join

You weren't expecting her to agree

And even less that she leaned on your shoulder to look at the stars too

Not much was said, but the company was rather soothing

While your attention was up at the stars, Sabrina would occasionally look at you and find herself smiling

"This...this is nice" - Sabrina



You weren't strangers to watching the stars. Many nights you had to stay out as part of some task regarding archeology

However, that also provided some of the most breathtaking views ever. The ruins made a unique contrast to the night sky, it was almost magical

Cynthia would take a picture of it every chance she got

You would often sit on the edges together and look up at the sky, chat a little and slip the occasional kiss

"You know, this is beautiful on its own, but experiencing it with you makes it even better" -Cynthia



Having her hands full between being a model and a gym leader, Nessa barely had time to do something like go camping

But that didn't mean you didn't find a place for her to admire the view the stars offered

You would sneak with her to the top of the lighthouse and appreciate the unique mixture of ocean and the stars that this place offered

She would often feel like a child, staring in awe at the sights as she held your hand, and you would always smile at her reactions

"Look at that one! So bright! Wow..." -Nessa



Training in the wild area meant to be in touch with nature all the time, but it wasn't often that Bea would stop to admire the night sky

At least not until you asked her to meditate with you under the beautiful lights

Mediating outside a cave with scenery like this felt unique, no matter how many times you did it

Bea herself would never admit it if asked, but she loved to see the way your eyes sparkled when you looked at the stars

"You know what? You're right, let's take a minute to appreciate them" -Bea



It wasn't often that you got to hang out at night, but that would only make this all the more special

Dawn liked to share any facts she had learned about the stars or space whenever you stargazed together

Sometimes that would include identifying constellations

She was as cheerful as always, but when you grabbed her hand or gave her a peck on the cheek, she would blush like a tomato. Honestly, adorable

"Let me share with you something I learned about Orion's belt, you'll love it!" -Dawn

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