First date

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The first date you two had was in her hometown of Spikemuth. There was this festival or something that she wanted to share with you. Piers was freaking out about it, but after talking (and battling) it out, you came to an understanding and even got to dance with Marnie


Oddly enough, the Seaside Cycling Road. At first, you took it easy, just admiring the view until May suggested a race because, well, you were already there. At some point, competing against each other turned into making teams and racing other couples. After a couple hours, you took a break by the beach and got something to drink


She was tired after a long day of training, so you offered to take her mind off it by inviting her to a coffee at night. The peaceful sight of Pokemon and people going about their day was always a delight, and the conversation only made it better. Gloria was very much convinced of her feelings for you since then


Used to this point to the urban enviroments that Kalos offered, Serena invited you over to Laverre City, the rustic area surrounded by trees, and the breathtaking variety of autumn colors offered a unique view. You walked along this city's unique roads, taking pictures together and even buying a couple things as a souvenir. It was a lovely break from everything


Keeping the theme, she took you to Lavaridge City, getting to appreciate this place as a civilian and not as a member of Team Magma. The first thing she did was taking you to the cable car at the top of Mt. Chimney. She didn't let go of your hand during the whole trip, her eyes glued to the view as you descended. After that, the hot springs made for an even more relaxing evening


At your house. She admitted to being curious about it, and she wanted a change of scenery, Granted, that wasn't hard given that she didn't really leave her gym, but you still tried your best to make your home as welcoming as you could to her. She didn't really care how clean it was, but rather, she wanted to get to know you more through this...although the food was pretty tasty 


You went to report your findings and turned out with time to spare. Of course, Cynthia took you to the local museum to nerd out at the various exhibits you found, particularly the fossils and after that, you went to a restaurant her friend Diantha recommended. It allowed you to appreciate both sides of her


At this point in her life, she was very used to the typical movies or restaurant date. She was so used to getting Kalosian food she practically spoke the language now. So imagine her surprise when you actually took her hiking. She welcomed the change of scenery greatly, and even more so when she discovered the lake


It was quite a surprise when Bea called you to invite you over. She said she wanted to try out a new recipe, but by the time you got there you found everything set up as a date of sorts. In truth, she was too used to the Wild Area, and for once wanted to just relax and spend time with you


 It was her idea to go for something nice and quiet for the first time. From her adventures, she had come into contact with Lake Verity, which was much nicer without anyone attacking her. The serene ambiance of this place made for a surprisingly fun picnic, although you could've sworn you saw Mespirit at some point, but you weren't sure


You figured Lillie could get overwhelmed if you tried something too romantic. So instead, you just asked her to wall along the shores of one of the many islands. The night sky gave you plenty to talk about, but by then, she trusted you enough to travel the seas for a bit aboard one of your Pokemon. She even got to take such a pretty picture of the Moon!


Of course, it wouldn't be a hangout if you didn't fly at least a little. So Iris raced you to the tallest building in the city, and when you converged there, you were surprised to find a picnic all set up on the rooftop, just waiting for you. The view was just unmatched, and so was the company. Even the teasing and bickering was not as present here

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