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Uh, so, what do I even say now? The thing is, it took me a reaaaally long time to update so I took the fanfic down fo the time being. Now, almost a year later, there you have the third chapter, which is quite embarassing actually. I don't know, enjoy I guess.


The alcohol lazily flowed through Harry's veins, but he didn't feel drunk, maybe just a little bit tipsy. The music seemed slower, and one could feel the vibrations of the bass in their body.

Harry was having the time of his life; the song was perfect for dancing and he invaded the dance floor with his original moves. From time to time, he bumped into the persons around him and caught a few disapproving looks, but in this state, he couldn't care less about it. TPWK and everything, but he wasn't responsible for everyone being in his way, was he? There was a slow build up in the music, the tempo increasing, and Harry's heartbeat was in sync with the rhythm of the drum in the background. His surroundings appeared to go in circles... Maybe that came from Harry himself, spinning around abnormally fast, enjoying the adrenaline rush, and laughing like a madman, waiting for the beat to drop. In the long-awaited moment, he then abruptly froze in his place, which caused him to feel very dizzy, and started bopping to the music.

This activity didn't particularly improve his state, but Harry was having way too much fun to pay any attention to it. His hair was a mess and impaired his vision heavily. Suddenly Harry's stomach lurched, and he had the urge to double over. He held onto the next thing which he could get into his hands in order to keep himself from falling. It turned out to be a stranger, whose black leather jacket he was holding onto for dear life and before the other person could even realize what was going on, his shoes were covered in vomit.

After a moment of silence, the man let out: "Disgusting!"

"Oh my god, I'm so, so sorry... Really." Harry started to apologize continuously. The man didn't seem impressed by it though and turned on his heels with a furious expression on his face.

With an everlasting nauseous feeling Harry started moving towards the bathroom, to clean his face with cold water and refresh himself. He kept staring into the mirror for a while before he finally convinced himself to return to the crowd.

After this incident, he made it his mission to find the boys, who had disappeared somewhere among the people in between the last half an hour. Well, they had lost Louis even before that. He had gone missing after he went to the bathroom, happily waving his drink and never showed up after that.

Should they have went looking for him? Maybe. Has Macarena stopped them from doing so? Potentially. Did Harry feel like the biggest cunt on earth now, because he was unable to watch after his hammered mate? Definitely. Had he drowned his worries in a shot of vodka? Possible.

After half an hour of searching, everything already seemed in vain, and his motivation had sunken to an absolute low when he finally caught a glimpse of Louis' silhouette. He impatiently pushed himself through the people surrounding him, but when he had almost arrived at his destination he stopped in his tracks. Louis wasn't alone, no, he was dancing with another man in a tight embrace, almost grinding on him and giggled drunkenly.

A loud cough from Harry's side ripped them out of their own world and caused them to turn to him. But as Harry recognized the stranger's face his heart sank. In the glowing dark he hadn't recognized the same person, whom he had puked on earlier.

"What do you want?", spat the man in his black leather jacket, whch tightly hugged his broad shoulders.

"I, uh, well my friend here...", he tried to convey his thoughts in a logical way, while motioning towards Louis, who unsure of what to do, kept staring at the two of them confused.

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