The 13th of December

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Authors note

So this is my first time ever starting a fanfic. Please excuse my mistakes, English is my third language and I haven't found anyone yet, who can proof read before I post the chapters. If you'd like to volunteer, just message me.

I don't follow any particular time line. If you'd like to say so, I just go with the flow of what feels right and which events from real life to include an which not. It's fiction after all.

Have fun everyone <3


Harry yawned as he got ripped from his sweet dreams by the loud ringing of his phone. He searched for it on the night table, eyes still closed, blindly grabbing for it, and answering it without even having a look for the caller. He deeply hoped it hadn't anything to do with a meeting. It was cold outside, and he had no intentions in leaving his warm blanket while it was still dark in the streets of London. "Hello?", was all he could bring himself to mumble.

"Heyyyy, mate, how you doin? Long time no hear.", a voice with a thick Irish accent belted from the speaker, making Harry pull away his phone from his ear with a grimace. It was way too early for this amount of motivation and volume, even for him, as a morning person.

Then he froze, wait... He had only one person in his contacts that was Irish... Niall. They were on good terms and talked from time to time, when there was an opportunity, but not once was he called by him at bloody seven am on a Sunday?

"Niall? Uh, hi", his sleepy voice still a little bit raspy. "I'm great thanks, what about you? What's new? Haven't talked in a bit, have we?"

"I'm very much good. That's what I'm saying. But I understand with all the touring and stuff. I guess you did not exactly have a lot of time. The album's amazing by the way, the more often I listen to it, the better it gets. You are really a bloody genius... You know? We honestly have to go out today or something, I'm so glad we are all in London, can't miss this opportunity.", Niall kept babbling on.

A smile spread across Harrys' face. He missed the never-ending chatter from this blonde lad. "Is there something particular we're celebrating?", he asked a little bit more energized, buzzing from the idea to meet up after so many years, just for fun. Without cameras and the company of strangers.

"Oh Harry, don't tell me you fucking forgot what day it is.", he asked surprised.

"Well, I'm quite sure it's Sunday. Otherwise no, I haven't got a clue."

"...It's the 13th of December 2020, I can't believe you actually forgot. The contract... Syco. Damn it Harold, you're too young to have any issues with your memory." He let out a chuckle.

"Don't call me Harold", Harry declared in a playfully offended voice.

Then the realization hit him like a truck. He was in fact so caught up with his shows that he simply pushed everything else in his life back. The tiredness was still sat deep in his bones, even though his last performance was ten days ago.

He really managed to forget the date where he finally was free from every little clause written in the contract. His thoughts raced at a pace of hundred miles an hour, thinking how he was going to enjoy his new won freedom when he was interrupted by Niall clearing his throat. "Harry, you're still there? So? You up for it or?"

"Sure! Omg, I actually cannot believe it's finally over. Where will we meet at?"

"I rented out a dining room in a private club, where we should be left unbothered. I'm gonna send you the address in a second."

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