36. You're lucky

59 13 27

My hand lazily reaches for my phone and turns off the alarm, which was beeping irritatingly. I slowly open my eyes and memories of yesterday immediately flashes in my head. My eyes forcibly spread wide.

I slept on the couch with Erden.


I fleetly look around me and wince on seeing that I'm well in the saloon. But thankfully Erden is not sleeping beside me. I notice that a white sheet is covering my body. Did he cover me last night before he left? I smile at that thought.

Deciding not to be late to school due to overthinking, I get out of the couch and head to the bathroom. But as I pass near the kitchen, I freeze in my track. My eyes widen.

Erden is comfortably sitting at the table, physically ready to go to school in black clothes as usual. His head is busied down as he's using his phone while drinking a cup of steaming-hot coffee. There is another one on the table which is next to a plate of toasts spread with Nutella, which I suppose is for me.

Though my heart melted on seeing that he prepared breakfast for me again, his name escapes my lips in annoyance. "Erden!" His head flicks up to look at me. "You're still here."

A grin emerges on his face at the sight of me. "As you can see, yes."

I grit my teeth. I can't stand him when he plays with words.

"Good morning, by the way."

"Good morning." I huff, resting a hand on my hip. "You slept here last night?"

"Yup." He rests his phone on the table and hangs his lower lips innocently. "It was impossible to leave when you hugged me so tightly. " My cheeks heat up. What the hell did you do, Hazel. "Thank me that I did not wake you up."

There is a giddy sensation in my stomach at his words. He cared for me and didn't want to disturb me. Maybe he even embraced me back?

But the nervousness inside me makes me say the opposite of what I was thinking. "Twenty-four hours were over. You just seized this opportunity and stayed."

The mischievous air of Erden instantly switches into a frown on hearing me. He sighs as he takes his phone and wakes up from the chair. "I don't see anything wrong in it. You slept peacefully with me and I know you love it too." His eyes dive deep into mine as he reaches in front of me. I feel suddenly lucky to see the sea through his eyes on this early morning. He is right, I love it. I don't know why I'm still pushing him away.

As my mouth parts to say something, he immediately stops me. "Leave this now, please. Remember what we talked yesterday, and just take your time to think calmly." He pinches my cheek softly as if I'm a kid. I can't help but to chuckle at his sweetness. "Take your breakfast, or we will be late to school."

"You can go already..." I tell him politely. "Lia must be waiting for me."

"Alright. I'm proud of you that you gave her a chance." He winks at me before passing through the door. "See you."

"See you."


After taking my breakfast and got ready, I went to Lia's place. She was waiting for me to go to school together. We resumed our routine, which I missed so much. Gossiping about everything during the whole trip while vibing to some songs was something sacred for us. But something is different today. Lia didn't connect her phone to the stereo player as we got in her car.

As she begins driving, she throws at me a dubious look. "Hazel, can you tell me what's going on?"

I raise a brow. Don't tell me that she is going to ask about yesterday.

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