The Encounter

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((The reader decides to go to a local lucky cat cafe and meets Tadashi Hamada. Now while she does find him very cute there's just one problem: she's extremely shy. Requested by Bubbles161 (Unedited)))

You entered the Lucky Cat Cafe hesitantly, looking around to see if it was busy. By the looks of it rush hour had just ended and a woman was cleaning tables as quickly as she could. You stood quietly by the door, not wanting to bother her since she did seem rather busy at the moment. Once the lady was done, she turned your way with a smile, "Well hello! How long have you been standing there?"

"Oh, not too long," you responded with a shy smile. The lady came your direction and guide you to a table. She was about to ask if you wanted any drinks, but more customers started coming I and she had to go help them. "Tadashi! Can you get this young lady a drink?" she called to some other person you assumed worked here.

"I'm on it!" a voice responded and you looked up from the menu to see a man walking your way. He was beyond stunning, he looked like what one would describe as tall, dark and handsome, but instead of looking mysterious he seemed to be surrounded by a pleasant atmosphere that welcomed others. By accident you made eye contact with his chocolate orbs and you quickly looked back at the menu to fight off your blush. "What can I get you?" he asked pulling out a pen and paper.

"Oh, um, just a water for now will do," you said trying your hardest not to stutter. Out of your periph you saw him go to get your order and you let out a breath you didn't know you had held in. 'That man is beyond cute!' you thought, 'He looks around my age, what was his name? Tadashi? Yeah that was it, should I make a move? No dont be stupid (Name) you'll just embarrass yourself!' you mentally scolded yourself, not aware that Tadashi had returned to set your water on the table.

"Have you figured out what you wanted?" he asked which brought you back to the present.

"Uh, I can't decide, wh-what's something you would get?" you stuttered out, not looking away from your menu.

You heard a deep chuckle and the menu was gently pulled from your hands and replaced by a smiling face, "My eyes are up here," Tadashi teased looking at the menu, "Let's see, I personally am a fan of the special of the day. Aunt Cas makes it for me and my brother a lot and it's really good," he confessed looking at you for approval.

You felt heat go to your cheeks as you tried to think of what to say. "S-Sure! That sounds good!" you blurted, mentally facepalming at how loud you sounded.

Tadashi didn't seem to mind and just chuckled at you, "Alrighty, one special coming right up," he said, scribbling it on the paper in his hand and returning to the counter to place the order. When he was out of sight, you groaned and sunk lower in your chair.

'Ugh! I'm such a dork, it's just a simple order. The fact that the guy serving you is out of this world gorgeous is not that big of a deal... well... maybe a little. Jeez I need to keep my cool,' you mentally pep talked yourself. Once you were sure the pep talk stuck, you sat quietly waiting for your food. Since you didn't have anything to do, you decided to watch Tadashi work.

Cuz that's just what a sane person does, watches someone work while sitting in silence.

Well, socially acceptable or not, you watched him work. It was actually kind of humorous to watch him running back and forth making sure all the customers were happy and their orders were being filled. You thought it was admiral of him to be such a hard worker. Every now and then, he would look your way and you would turn your attention somewhere else in fear of being caught. And every once in awhile you would look back to soon and make eye contact, and he would send you a warm smile.

Once your meal finally came around, it was given to you by a younger boy since Tadashi was busy, you turned your attention to that. Because food trumps cute guys any day. And it was actually very good! You gave a few mental points to Tadashi and his aunt for having good taste in dishes.

You finished sooner than you wanted to and had to ask for the check. Tadashi came your way, writing on paper what you guessed was the last customer he helped's order. "Tell you what," he started, "it's on the house."

"Wh-What?" you asked confused.

"It's on the house," he repeated happily.

You stared at him in disbelief, the offer was just so out of the blue. "I-I can't just leave without paying you something," you said.

Tadashi looked down at you, holding out a piece of paper with what looked like a number on it. "Well you PAY me a visit sometime, and maybe take my number so we can keep in touch?" he asked sounding shyer by the end.

With a shaking hand, you accepted the paper. "O-Ok," you stuttered, trying not to blush too much.

He smiled wider, "Sweet! When you can, can you text me your name? It be kinda weird if I didn't know what to put in my contacts," he laughed nervously and you smiled.

The two of you said your goodbyes and you left. As you walked away from the cafe, you pulled out your phone and texted he number he gave you.

'(Name)' you sent.

You were about to put the phone away when it buzzed in your palm. You read Tadashi's text, smiling.

'That's a really freaking pretty name!'

((Gaaaaahhhh, I'm a monster I haven't update din forever!! Thanks for being patient guys it means a lot to not be hassled to write ❤))

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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