Time travel

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I was getting ready for school. I finished my outfit and most of my makeup. I just needed to add eyeliner and do my hair. Most of the people at my college don't wear more than sweatpants and a shirt, but there's nothing that says I can't wear what I do. I finish my hair, grab my wallet and keys, and walk out.
I put in one headphone and put on my kiss playlist. I live in campus and in the city, so I usually walk unless it's too far to walk. Then I'll take some form of public transportation.
I was listening to my favorite song when someone bumped into me. I must have fallen pretty hard, because I blacked out. When I woke up, I wasn't on campus. I was laying on the ground next to a pothole and heard the blaring of taxi's honking at me. Confused, I got up and ran across the street. People looked at me like I was an alien. Yes I do dress alt, but I don't have any insane body mods. Usually people walk past me without batting an eye. Then there's the occasional 'JOIN THE CHURCH AND SAVE YOUR SOUL FROM SATAN!!' Or the 'can I get your number?'
I didn't recognize where I was, so I called my friend. That's weird. There's no service.
"What are you holding?" Someone asked me.
"My phone?" I replied confused. I saw a kid staring at me and who I assume is the father pushing their child away.
"Cute kid." I said. He backed up, then picked up his kid and started running.
"Anyway. You were saying?" I asked the stranger who asked about my phone.
"That's...a phone?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Yeah...?"  I replied. He started laughing.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"How does that even work? There's no buttons." He replied, looking at it in my hand.
"Yes. There actually are." I pointed out the power and volume buttons.
"How does that even work?" He asked.
"Like this? Have you never seen an iPhone before?" I asked.
"No? Never even heard of it." He replied.
"Oh my god. How many rocks have you been living under. Literally. To not know what-wow." I continued.
"Oh. Who's that a picture of?" The stranger asked, sounding concerned.
"Paul Stanley." I said smiling.
"O-oh. I uhh...I should go." He replied.
"Oh? Paul?" I said. He stopped.
"Ehh? Please don't trample me." He shrugged and held out his arms, motioning for me to stay back.
"Oh. Wow. Don't worry. I won't." I said looking at him.
"Uhh." I said pointing behind him. There was a crowd of people running towards us, or rather Paul, with cameras.
"Oh sh-we gotta go." He said, taking my hand and running with me.
"What year is it?" I asked.
"1978. What year are you from." He laughed.
"2021. And wow 78?" I asked.
"Yeah. They're trying to figure out-" he started.
"What you guys all look like? Yeah I know. Here." I finished and pulled out an unused mask, handing it to him.
"Thanks." He said and held it to his face. Oh yeah.
"Are you Gene Simmons?!" I heard someone shout.
"He's a human. And I doubt he wants to be trampled!" I shouted. Of coarse they still followed us, but I had something they didn't. Alien technology.
"I know what they all look like. Just figure out this!" I said, holding up my phone after powering it off. They immediately started teaching for it. I chuckled.
"It's dead right now. Sorry." I said and continued running with Paul.
I didn't know where we were going, but we landed at a hotel. He walked inside.
"I guess this is where we part?" I said looking down.
"Uh...umm....do you have anywhere to stay?" He asked.
"No. I don't think I can get back to 2021 either." I said, about to leave, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.
"Why's that darling?" Oh my god. He called me darling. I blushed like crazy. Thankfully I caked on foundation this morning though.
"Well. I was on my way to class." I saw his face drop.
"And I think I fell into a wormhole. Basically a one way portal to a different universe that you can't go back through. But anyway. I woke up after like 5 seconds of being unconscious and was in the middle of the street. Not on campus where I should have been since I just left the dorm building." I finished.
"Oh. So you can't go back?" He asked and I shook my head no.
"Well. You can stay with us? If you want to." He offered. I smiled and nodded.
"Ok then. I'll take you to my room." He put an arm around my shoulders. I shivered, then blushed.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Very ok." I said under my breath. I think he heard me cuz I heard him chuckle.
"Alright. Here we are." He unlocked the door.
"Hey. Did you get the stuff?" I heard Gene ask.
"No. But I found something else." Paul replied.
"Huh? Oh. Wow." Gene said, his eyes widening in shock.
"Yeah. You're gonna have to fight if you want her though." Paul replied under his breath. My eyes shot open. Does he...like me?
"I think she's blushing under all that makeup. Like what you see?" Gene asked. I basically through myself into Paul. Gene just stood there, not knowing what say or do.
"I think you just got rejected." Paul laughed.
"Uh...anyone want food? There's room service." Gene quickly changed the subject. Food. Oh god. I froze. I hated eating in front of people. Don't get me wrong, I love eating. I just get uncomfortable doing it in front of other people.
"Do they have fries?" Paul asked and Gene nodded.
"Yeah. How about that girl." He asked.
"Uh-um. I-I'm ok. A-and my names y/n." I replied shakily.
"Darling your shaking. You need to eat something. When's the last time you ate something?" Paul asked me. He called my darling again. I counted on my fingers, looking at the clock to see what time it was. It's 2 pm.
"Um...10." I said shakily.
"This morning?" Paul asked, tilting his head and putting an arm in my shoulder.
"Last night..." I said shyly ad I started to take off my platform boots.
"Oh my god. Yeah. You need to eat." Paul replied. It was actually more like 8:30-9:00 that I ate last.
"What do you want?" Paul asked, handing me the menu. I pushed it away.
"No. Really I'm fine." I started to tear up.
"Hey. What's wrong y/n?" He asked.
"N-nothing. I just. I don't like eating in front of people that's all." I replied, tapping under my eye to dry up a tear.
"We don't care. We don't judge anyone. Well, based on what or how they eat." Gene replied, only making me feel worse. I looked up and scanned the room, looking for a bathroom. I saw one and ran to it, starting to cry.
"Y/n!" Paul ran after me, but I already locked myself in. I started sobbing uncontrollably. I felt dizzy. I unlocked the door so that Paul could help me if I passed out and he flung the door open.
"Y/n. Hey. Hey. It's ok." Paul held me and I cried into his shoulder.
"Sorry. I'm getting makeup all over your shirt." I said in his chest.
"It's ok." He rubbed my back. I felt him pick me up. He carried me to one of the beds and layed me down.
"Would it help if you could go somewhere private to eat? I want you to eat something. Even if it's small." Paul asked, playing with me hair. I nodded.
"Ok. What do you want? They have chips, fries, french bread, fruit?" Paul asked.
"Bread." I mumbled.
"Ok." Paul replied. I heard Gene call to order an shoved my arm over my ears so I wouldn't have to hear him order.

This was a very long chapter I am sorry. I'll probably update tomorrow but idk. Maybe add a few chapters idk. But I hope you like it. Btw all the chapters are gonna be kinda long sooooo.....

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