23 Turning the table

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Part 23 Turning the table

Shali and Shamli came to Arnav's room.

"Mama and Mami, you are called to the pooja room," Shali said.

"Who called us?" Arnav asked.

"Badi Nani. Everyone is there in the
Pooja room. Waiting for you. Come fast" Shamli said.

Arnav and Khushi spared a content glance. Are they going to ask them to do anything that husband and wife do? Khushi thought. Shali and Shamli clutched her hand and dragged her out. Arnav followed them.

As they said, all were waiting for them in the pooja room. Khushi looked at them bewildered whereas Arnav looked stern. There was a plate in Anjali's hand. The garland that Anjali made was being placed in that.

"Khushiji put this garland to Devi Maiya's idol." Anjali extended the plate towards Khushi.

Khushi looked at Arnav who gestured her to do it.

"Do it Khushi bitiya..." Nani insisted.

Khushi nodded ok. Taking the garland from the plate, she put it to Devi Maiya's idol.

Nani took another plate that was being kept in front of DM. There was a box in it. She opened the box and a set of bangles in it. Khushi didn't know about the bangles but Arnav. Those bangles were his mother's. Arnav gulped down hard, seeing the bangle. Somewhat e understood what is going to happen.

"These are our Mumma's bangles Khushiji. She wanted to give it to Chotte's wife... To her BAHU... We thought to fulfill her wish. That's why we called you here." Anjali said.

Khushi became panicked. It seems these bangles have an emotional connection with these people... Especially, with Anjali and Arnav. Those bangles belong to Arnav's wife who would be the real Raizada Bahu. How could she accept them when she is not his REAL wife?

"But, Anjaliji, why so hurry? You can give them after some days..." Khushi said hesitatingly.

"What's necessary to be waiting, Khushiji? Chotte got married to you... You are Chotte's wife... Our Bahu... There is nothing to wait for anything, anymore..."

Khushi was about to say something,
she stopped, seeing Arnav taking the bangles. Arnav turned towards her. Khushi looked at him intensively. That LOOK carried a lot of questions. Arnav took her hand and inserted the bangles into her hands. Khushi was reading his expression to know whether there is any regret on his face but she saw a slight smile on his face that surprised her.

"Khushi, bitiya, don't remove the bangles. It's your right on this family and it states that you are one among us ." Nani said.

Khushi nodded ok with mixed feelings. She didn't know how to react to it.

"Not that you are not one among us without this bangle... we just I want you to know the importance of the bangle. that's why sasuma say so..." Manorama said.

"Haan Khushi mami... we like you so much..." Shali giggled.

Arnav gestured to Khushi to take blessings from Nani and mami. Khushi nodded ok and bent down to touch their feet. As she didn't expect Arnav also joined her, making her bewildered. She looked at him with shock.

"Always be happy" Nani blessed.

"Yes, no fights... only happiness... be together till last breath..." Manorama blessed.

"Together means, not only with Chotte but also with us Khushiji..." Anjali chuckled.

"Haan Bitiya... don't think, you have no one. We are your people. You have all the right in us. Don't hesitate to ask anything." Nani said touching her cheek.

Khushi felt something was choking in her throat. How could she stand this kind of emotional overloading words? Arnav saw her suffocating. He gestured to Anjali.

Anjali nodded yes and moved towards Khushi. She shared a warm hug with Khushi that made Khushi more emotional.

"Relax Khushiji... we are here for you" Anjali caressed her back.

Khushi's eyes pooled up. She never expected she will meet such adorable people in her life. She had been passing through the many hard situations in her life... alone... not that, she doesn't want to face it with anyone... it's because she had no one.

Khushi came to the room with a heavy heart. She felt like her heart was getting squeezed. She should be happy for making them trust her acting. Instead, why does she feel sad?

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