44 Rituals...

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Part 44 Rituals...

Khushi stroked the mangal sutra that was beautifying her neck in a NEW means. Until morning, it was just a jewel. But now, its greatness changed totally. It was tied by Arnav... As he tied it around her neck, he became her husband. Their marriage got registered legally today. And before this day got over, they became husband and wife ritually. She had no doubt Arnav did that deliberately all his sense. He just didn't stop with mangal sutra and vermilion but completed seven phares too. Why so urgent? Their wedding has been fixed already. Then what's necessary to rush? What's in his mind? She knew he wanted to marry her. But she didn't expect he will take such a big step without thinking... Or, maybe, after thinking about it well... She was legally and also ritually his wife now... No matter whether she accepted it or not.

Khushi looked at Arnav who entered the room, sealing the door. Arnav stood looking at Khushi... Especially looking at her hand that was caressing the mangal sutra. A lonely tear dropped from her eye. Arnav choked devastating.

Khushi turned her face opposite to him that pricked him. Taking a few long steps, he reached her. Clutching her upper hand, Arnav turned her towards him to make her look at him. He saw her teary eyes and trembling lips.

"Why are you crying, Khushi?" He asked repenting.

"Why did you do this, Arnavji?" She asked sadly.

"Why Khushi? So what if I do that?" He asked a little harshly.

"Do you ask me why? You tied mangal sutra on my neck... Filled my partition... Circled the holy fire clutching my hand ... what we did is nothing but a marriage... We got married ritually... We became husband and wife" she said as if he didn't know about them.

"Yes, we are husband and wife now... So, what?" he asked her back.

"Can't you understand what I'm saying...? or... are you pretending?" she asked wearily.

"What so big deal, Khushi? We registered for our wedding today... legally. We are already married legally even before we performed the rituals. What do you think? Is not that marriage? It does not matter whether we married ritually or not. But legal marriage always matters. LAW needs proof and we submitted it. You became my heir legally when you signed the wedding papers. You did not feel disturbed then...? In fact, you got disturbed when your mangal sutra got cut... the mangal sutra that I didn't tie on your neck. Why? Why did you get disturbed? Why did you feel bad? Why did you think something may happen to me if I'm not related to your mangal sutra?" he yelled.

Khushi got stuck.

"Tell me Khushi... Why did you bother about the mangal sutra that got cut? Why did you feel sentimental? Didn't you say we are husband and wife? Then why are you feeling awkward when I tied the mangal sutra on your neck?"

Khushi didn't know what to answer. She stood numb. She didn't know what she really feels. Arnav cupped her face.

"Khushi, listen, you are confused... You are confused about accepting this relationship. From here on, there is nothing to be confused about. According to this world, we are already husband and wife. hereafter, we are husband and wife not just for the world but also for ourselves. Understand that and accept me..." he said emotionally.

Her eyes roamed on his face restlessly.

"Khushi, I can understand from your eyes how deliberately you want to live with me. Just give a chance to this relationship, Khushi. You won't repent... Trust me..."

Khushi closed her eyes spilling tears.

"Khushi, don't close your eyes. look at me..." He ordered.

Khushi opened her eyes.

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