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Draco Malfoy never expected his life to be that way.
He never expected his father to anger the one and only Fenrir Greyback.
He never expected to be kidnapped right before the full moon and taken to a place unknown to him.

What he expected less, was staring at grey eyes - it was like looking from the eye of a cyclone -, full of so much bloodlust that he couldn't stop shaking.

The only way of escaping was an old, dirty toothbrush. The note in front of him said it was a Portkey. Behind him was a thick door, he tried to open it while the werewolf was still transforming - he never heard someone scream in so much pleasure, it was like he was enjoying it - but it wouldn't move and he didn't have his wand with him.

The beasts' low growls made him take a step back and his body connected to the metal door. He needed a plan, and fast.

He scanned the room, but it was empty, except for the toothbrush.

Greyback jumped in his direction and Draco dodged to his left, running towards the Portkey.

But he was slow.
And the wolf was fast.

That was a small room, so it shouldn't have taken long to arrive to safety, but Greyback jumped on the wall to reach him faster.

No luck for Draco Malfoy.

Sudden pain in his right calf made him scream. The werewolf's teeth almost reached the bone.

The toothbrush was at arm's length. The adrenaline gave him the energy to give a strong kick - for what he could do in that predicament - in the beasts' face, which was still attached to his leg. He probably damaged the wound even more, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

Greyback yelped in pain and Draco took his chance to grab the only thing that would take him to safety.

Closing his eyes, he felt a pull behind his navel and suddenly his body was laying on the soft carpet in the main hall of Malfoy Manor.

The last thing Draco heard that night was his mother's shriek before everything went dark.

On the date 30 August 1993, Draco Malfoy officially became a werewolf.

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