11. Another love

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Her blindfold was removed as she looked around her surrounding—

It was the house they bought for Elliot and Amelia.

"Surprise y/n" He welcomed her with a biggest smile on his face.

"Why are you doing this....Elliot?" The soft weak voice of y/n ask him. Elliot.

Her hand tied in the back with a black cloth wrapped around her neck loosely as it was on her eyes before.

While Elliot sat just in front of her in a chair, with a little smirk — a victory.

Sorry, not yet Elliot.

He sighed and chuckled at the situation.

"You still look as beautiful as the day I met you" Said Elliot with a rather proud smile "Mmh...too bad couldn't even made you my girlfriend" He sourly chuckled.

"Why didn't you choose me y/n? Why has it to be only him? Only Theodore?"

"Elliot, what are you talking about-"

"Not only you, everybody have been favouring him more in every way.He has the power, the mafia, the status and he always got what he want" He imparted.

"M.. Mafia?" She asked confusion written all over her face.

"Oh! Forgot that you didn't knew about it" He laughed at the statement.

"Dear y/n, my heart literally breaks on your behalf because of Theodore's betrayal" He mocked.

He leaned forward, stopped just an inches before her.

"He lied to you this whole time, Theodore Eito is one of the biggest mob boss"

Y/n didn't believe at him. He kidnapped her, put her in this situations and told her that her husband is a mob boss.

She shouldn't believe him, right? There's no reason to.

"I know you don't believe me, but here's let me explain just by your lifestyle"

"Have you ever thought why does there is men in black suit everywhere in your house? Why does they follow you everywhere you go?" He asked now walking around her, hand in his pocket.

"He wants your safety blah blah" He laughed at the words.

"Safety from what?y/n?" he leaned down and stop right beside her right ear and asked in a low voice.

"From his rivals, of course. I must say he did a great job hiding it from you. Heck even he taught the kids very well"

"What is the meaning of doing these?" Y/n questioned him.

He softly smiles at her.

"I love your gift y/n, this house.. " He looked around "you were the only one I have imagined to be by my side as my woman"

"I.. I am your sister-in-law"

"That's..what I hate the most"

"We can talk this out in usual way right? Why are you doing this?"

He laughed at her question.

"I want to experience what Theodore experienced. He have power, mafia and family with you" He looked at her "I want that too" He whispered.

"Stop with that.. mafia" Y/n said closing her eyes. It triggered really bad memories.

"I'm sorry, but If I can't have it i don't want Theodore to have it"

"Your family was destroyed by my family" He announced. "My father's right hand man killed your parents"

"Elliot.. Stop.. Please"

"Your father was getting on my father's work, he was such a strong and loyal cop, they need him out of the field"

"Stop it.."

"And they killed him and your mother in front of you"

The scene was played in your mind and tears start falling,the wound was from a long ago, but it was still fresh and it never fails you to hurt.

"I am sorry you have to go through it all... alone" He took out his gun "but I don't think, a happy family is written on your fate"

He sadly smiled.

"I can't have the power, the status but I can destroy his family which is the most beloved to him" He stated looking at his gun.

"And to destroy the family,you must be gone" He looked up to her.

Met her teary eyes, her face clearly shows that she is scared.

he felt sorry he couldn't comfort her.

What's on the point of comforting her when he is going to kill her.

"Just like in the winter morning, on a good weather, under the orange tree. Let's meet again" He cocked his gun "in another life"

Before she could comprehend anything she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

Not even a second later she felt another pain

Another bullet. This time on her shoulder.

Her eyes were slowly closing as she didn't have the strength to stay conscious due to the pain.

Her head dropped down as she fully became unconscious.

Elliot slowly stood and went to her, he untied the rope around her and support her body.

He picked her in a bridal style and walked to the couch softly make her sit and he himself sit besides her.

"I envy Theodore very much"

Elliot put her head in his shoulder and hold her hands.

"I couldn't spent my time with you as I wanted in this lifetime, yet I really love you but I think my hatred for my brother is greater than my love for you"

He softly runs his hand through her hair with a sad smile.

"In another life, Let's be lovers in a better circumstances" He cocked his gun.

"And I hope you love me the way I do" A tears falls

"I will expect you to return my feelings, dear y/n" He wanted to laugh at his desperate pleads.

"Someday, on a good weather in a winter morning let's meet again" He said with a big smile on his face "In a different situation, where we could be lovers"

He leaned his head on top of y/n's head and intertwined their hands.

He could hear the helicopters... Gunshots..

"I couldn't feel the love in your arms..."

Another bullet.

But this time through his head.

"But I am glad I died in your arms"


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