12.My love is greater:Theodore

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He walked through the mansion with his men everywhere.

There were alot of bodyguards.

Just to stay alarmed if Elliot tries to do something funny again.

But he never expect to see his wife on that condition

And Elliot..

Especially him.

It looks like two lovers dying with each other in their arms...

He don't want to think it like that.

You are his wife, his lover and just his.

He frantically run towards their body and snatched y/n from Elliot.

"Y-y/n..he shot her"

Hugging her he kissed her head and lifted her in bridal style.

"Go to the Private Hospital" He said.

They didn't take the helicopter instead drove to the hospital by a car.

Meanwhile the twins were left behind to take care of the mess.

They just burn the mansion with Elliot inside.

Never bothered to even touch his body..

They hurt their mother.

And although they don't want to admit it, but she might even not live..

"Now that was a lot of damage" Arlo sighed.

"We should head to the hospital" Said Ezio.


Theodore's clothes was all drenched with his wife's blood.

And he couldn't care less.

He constantly caressed her face with so much love and fear, at the same time.

His heart beating so fast as he told the driver to drive fast.

Right now what matter the most to him was his wife.

He don't even know if she will make it..

And if she don't what will he do to take revenge?

The one who hurt her is already dead.

Elliot think of it thoroughly and decided to kill her himself.

If she is not his, than no one else's.

And to be honest he don't care, he don't care he has to die. He died in her arms.

What a life could he live without her?

He's been through too much pain.

He hates seeing her having kids and Husband, a good proper family.

That is not with him.

And the only way to defeat Theodore was to harm his wife.

His weakness.

That was such a good shot Elliot.

So, it was killing two birds with one stone.

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