Part 4

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With no class or work, Saturday mornings are supposed to be a relaxing time. But currently you're drilling holes in your ceiling as your stomach grumbles in protest. You woke up three hours ago, precisely at eight, like usual. Not wanting to chance a run-in with Tae or his partner (who you're now uncomfortably familiar with), you've done everything you can: browsed every social media site you can think of, caught up on all the new episodes of TV you missed, and heck, you even wrote a hundred words of your essay. Despite all of these distractions, your mind just keeps running itself back to last night. To the sinful fantasy you indulged in that led to one of the best orgasms of your life. Damn it.

Tae is off limits.

That's a lesson you learned as a hormonal teen, full of pent-up sexual energy with nowhere to go but to the handsome boy you spent all your time with. Lucky for you, he had been every bit as curious as you. That led to a sticky afternoon in the middle of July when you stared into each other's eyes, trembling hands clasped together, and slowly, ever so innocently, you both leaned forward. A few kisses over the span of a minute. That was the extent of it. Just dry, awkward mouths moving, trying (failing) to find a rhythm before ultimately giving up.

And it had almost ruined everything. You still remember how, for a solid week following, Taehyung would dodge your calls and create excuses for why he couldn't hang out. When you finally went over to his house, worried he had caught a bug but also pissed that he wasn't giving you a straight answer, he couldn't even make eye contact. You declared the kisses null and void right there. Nothing had ever happened. Nothing would ever happen. It was only from then on that the friendship started to recover.

That is, until now.


Ultimately, no amount of reminiscing can replace food.

There's no way they heard me last night. She was loud. Way louder. And we have a wall between us. That's what you tell yourself as you throw the blankets off. Standing in front of your mirror, you sweep your hair back into a ponytail, drag on a hoodie over your sleep-shorts. You'll just eat in your room. In and out in less than five minutes. You can handle that.

Turning the knob, you ease the door open. Everything's all clear as you tiptoe out of the room. The door to Taehyung's room is still firmly shut to your relief. Only his shoes and yours are in the entryway, so the girl must have left already. You slink around the counter, deciding on the simple breakfast of cereal. You've just gotten the milk from the fridge, turning around just in time to see the door open.

For a second, you consider just ducking down and hiding like the adult you are.


His voice is gravely, still steeped in sleep. His hair is adorably ruffled as he combs his fingers through the strands, making it worse. His pajama bottoms hang off his hips, the absence of a top all the more obvious when he stretches, toned muscles shifting. "You're home?"

Your first reaction is to blush. Your second is to realize how fucking good you think he looks when all he's done is exit a goddamn room. "Uh, yeah." Hurriedly grabbing a nearby bowl, you stare down into it as if it could transport you somewhere, anywhere, else.

Casually, he steps behind you, brushing past your arm on his quest for his mug. "What happened to the cabin? Thought you were gonna have fun for the both of us."

It sounds like you were having enough fun. "Ugh. Thesis meeting I forgot about, so I couldn't go."

"Ahh, that sucks." You cast a glance at him and he's suddenly close, lean and tall and sexy. More attractive than anyone has the right to be when gulping water. Then his intense eyes flash to meet yours. "Wait." You freeze. "So, you were here last night?"

"Uhhh. Yeah." The cereal plinks against the ceramic.

"Oh." You don't miss the verbal shrug of the shoulders, done so casually when you're an utter mess just a few feet away. "Sorry if it was loud."

Milk. Spoon. "Don't worry about it. No problem." A tight-lipped grin is all you can offer him before you speed-walk into your room, your cheeks still burning. At least he didn't hear. That's all you keep telling yourself, but you can't get his naked torso out of your mind. Nor can you deny the longing twinge between your legs when you think of how the walls shook in time with his thrusts.

Just what has come over you?

"It sounds a helluva lot like you've got a crush on him

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"It sounds a helluva lot like you've got a crush on him." Ah, yes. This is the expert opinion of your close friend Lina, to whom you've just spilled everything to over iced caramel macchiatos on a sweltering Saturday afternoon, the week following. "At the very least, you want him to fuck your brains out."

"Lina!" You hiss, worried that her voice is travelling just a bit too far.

"What? Just look at you. I haven't seen you this red since first year, when Min Yoongi accidentally kissed you on the cheek." She giggles, enjoying the mortification on your face. "Ahh, you were so cute then. All innocent."

"He... But... It's Tae!"

"So?" Lina takes a long drag from her straw. "He's hot."

"Hot or not, these feelings are going to screw everything up." You haven't been able to shake them in the slightest. In fact, you're pretty sure they're getting stronger. Now you're the one avoiding him, spending all your time in cafes or study rooms after one accidental post-shower run in on Tuesday that left you too horny for your own good. "Either way, he just sees me as his sister or something."

Lina waggles her eyebrows. "You're a mind reader now?"

"Ha. Ha. No. There was the whole thing in high school." You busy yourself with tearing a tissue into little pieces.

"That was ages ago. And by the sounds of it, it was just you both being awkward and teenagers."

"Well, what about last Saturday morning? He didn't even look phased that I overheard them. It clearly doesn't mean anything to him, and I'm the only one all flustered like an idiot."

Heaving a sigh, Lina raises two perfectly-manicured nails. "Look. We're going in circles here. The way I see it, you have two options. One. You get over him. Two. You get under him."

"Or I could do nothing and just hope this goes away on its own. I believe in miracles."

Lina spares you a half-amused look. "Obviously, that's not working. At this point, your friendship is already over if you can't even be in the same room together. So, why not test it out? See if he's interested?"

"You... You have a point." You swallow another mouthful of coffee, feeling insane that you're even considering this. "Ugggh. What would I even do?"

She taps the phone lying on the table. "You already know what he's into." She grins, the devil in her coming out to play. "Show him what he's missing."

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