Part 7

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Another week of classes come and go, but this time, you have something to look forward to at the end. It's Friday night, and Jungkook and his frat are throwing a party at their house. You and Taehyung wouldn't miss it for anything, especially not when you could really use a drink. Or three.

Thankfully, Taehyung hasn't brought up anything out of the ordinary since Sunday, and it's made you think that maybe, just maybe, things could really go back to normal on their own. You probably just need to find someone else to occupy your time (or at least 'fuck your brains out' as Lina so nicely put it). Maybe you'll even meet him tonight at the party. So, dressing up a little more is probably the way to go.

Now the question is, which dress?

Standing in an alluring set of matching lingerie (just in case, right?), you flip through your closet. "No... Not that one... Not feeling that color..." You mumble to yourself, feeling that familiar conundrum of having absolutely nothing to wear despite having enough clothing to open a store yourself. It's getting late, stretching into the night hours but nobody shows up to a party in the first few hours anyway. Fashionably late is what you usually aim for.

Then you see it.

Legs first.

One, two, three—OH GOD, eight of them belonging to an enormous, spindly spider that must have emerged from the burning coals of hell to end up in your room, clinging to your closet wall.

"Oh, fuck no!" you bellow as you scramble backwards, bolting out the door into the living room, your heart galloping beneath your skin as you take gasps. You can handle any other insect, literally any of them, except spiders. It was an accident in your childhood that left you traumatized for life, and you can't say you're missing out on much. You're already sweating as you stare at the room you just exited.

"Spider?" Taehyung's door opens and he walks out in a slim button-up, half tucked into dark shorts, already heading to the kitchen. "I'll get the jar." He throws a glance at you and simply stops in his tracks. His smile falters.

"What are you waiting for?!" You ask, voice trembling. Then you follow his gaze down. Oh shit. The lacey bralette that stretches across your chest in ash grey is practically see-through, and your underwear is along the same vein. "Eep." You race to the couch, fumbling for the blanket before dragging it over your frame.

While you're distracted, Taehyung closes the distance between your bodies. When you turn around, he's only a few feet away, trapping you between the sofa arm and him. You gulp. "Really?" His voice is decidedly restrained, stiff. He lets the word sink into the air. "There's no spider, is there?"

"T-There is! Go look, it's on the wall in the closet!" You insist, hands gesticulating wildly but he steps forward. He violates your personal space, unfathomable eyes bearing into yours and your words are ripped from your throat, shorn into silence.

"I don't believe you." You're not sure if that was whisper or growl, but it sends goosebumps crawling up your arms as he covers the hands that hold the blanket together with his own. He guides them apart, lets the soft shield fall with a gentle thump to expose you to his hungry gaze. "I don't believe you at all."

Your heart jackhammers in your chest, too obvious in your eardrums when his fingertips skate across your shoulder. A flame simmers wherever he strokes, torturously slow: past your collarbone, just over the swell of your breast, drawing lower, lower... "Tae," you exhale when he dips between your chest, just grazing past the edge of fragile lace. His eyes seem mesmerized by the promise of what lies beyond.

"You seem to think I have more self-control than I do." His nails scrape past the side of the lingerie, as if considering whether or not to rip it clean off. "Teasing me like this not once, not twice, but..."

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