Everything you've ever dreamed

178 2 14

I opened my eyes and noticed that both the train and the girl have faded away.

I was sitting in a chair, in what seems like an old movie theater, similar to the one that appeared during instrumentality.

I could see myself on the big screen. The Shinji on the screen was sitting inside of an entry plug, talking to Ibuki and Hyuga on the video feed.

"How are you feeling Shinji?"

"I'm ok. Just do what you need and let's be over with it."

"Ok, We'll start with his most recent memories and go backwards - more or less. Like the reports said, there is an emotional core to each of our memories."

"So, by the time you wake up in the morning, all memories we've targeted will have withered and disappeared, feeding the core and making you able to synchronize with the prototype. Good luck Shinji."



"I'm sorry, Shinji. She decided to go back to Germany. It seems like some acquaintance or relative of her also returned from the sea and asked for her return. Since you guys are still minors and without a legal guardian..."

"That's bullshit and you know it!"

As my eyes adjusted their focus after being blinded by the strong flash, I watched the scene that was unfolding on the screen.

I could see myself at some kind of examination room, with Hyuga and Ibuki standing near me.

The scene played just like I remembered it.

Hyuga stopped what he was talking about when he saw the angry reaction from my counterpart on the screen, who was clenching his right fist in anger. Ibuki stared at him, also in shock and with fear.

"You're lying. Asuka wouldn't return to Germany because of that. It's.... Eva isn't it?" – he said with coldness and venom in his voice.

Both of the former bridge bunnies of Nerv looked away from him, avoiding his freezing glare.

"How dare you... After all that happened.... how can you allow someone to try to rebuild Eva? It's unforgivable. Are you guys insane? And you allowed it to happen? Why? ANSWER ME!"

Shinji picked a chair and threw it on the nearest window, shattering the glass. Them he picked up a computer and crashed it hard on the table. After he noticed that there were no more objects nearby that could be damaged without hurting the other people in the room, he started to deliver several punches on the wall.

Ibuki was ready to call security, but Hyuga made a negative gesture with his head, probably noticing that it was better if the boy was able to let out his frustration as soon as possible, even if he hurt himself in the process.

After throwing a few punches and even some headbutts on the wall, the Shinji on the screen felt down into his knees, panting and bleeding.

I remembered the feeling. I knew that no one would be there to talk to me or even help me heal my stolen heart and my crackling skull. At that moment, I realized that really had lost everything. I was completely alone. Mother betrayed me. Asuka betrayed me. Eva still existed and its existence would bring even more pain and chaos into this world. Humanity will be trapped forever in the curse of Evangelion.

The Shinji on the screen started to laugh and talk like a madman, with didn't really surprise the other people in the room. And I understood why. At that moment, it had been at least a year since they have locked me up in that cell and only let me leave it for interrogation when they needed me to collect data for something related to the third impact.

I don't want to forget - An Evangelion story, an homage to Shinji and Asuka.Where stories live. Discover now