We will never forget

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Gendo Ikari kept a calm and peaceful countenance while the Euronerv technicians and operators tried, unsuccessfully, to report on what was happening in the battle.

The reborn Eva Unit 02 had finally absorbed the core of the hybrid unit, removing the organic parts amidst the array of robotic parts belonging to Jet Alone.

After incorporation, as predicted, the Eva awakened its previously dormant S2 engine, resulting in the opening of a Dirac Sea.

That Evangelion now possessed unlimited energy, being able to subdue all forces existing on Earth, so as to ensure absolute control over the planet and the ability to repair the destroyed world at an accelerated rate.

But he knew this would not happen. Operation Unsinkable had failed. Most of the Euronerv technicians had not realized that there was no longer any register of signals from the pilots involved in the battle, which revealed that the unit was no longer under Nerv control. Just like Yui did with the ascended Unit 01, it was up to those two pilots, now children of an Elder God, to decide the fate of that Evangelion.

Gendo took this moment to retire from his command post and return to his quarters, while awaiting the inevitable outcome of the battle that would surprise and cut the hearts and hopes of all those people who were celebrating the victory.

As soon as he managed to reach his room, Gendo looked out the window and he saw Unit 02 in its old blood-red color floating in the air, with a bright halo above its head, as if it were a Crown of Stars.

As the Evangelion was taking off into space he preferred to verbalize what he was thinking, although he knew his words would be useless, for there would be no one who could hear them.

"Yui... it took me so long to finally understand you. At first it thought that it was the accident that took you away for me and I've been patiently waiting for the day when I would see you again and finally get what I wanted.

But it was a foolish hope. You are not at fault, of course. You've always did what you wanted to do and that was different than what I desired. I've grown to understand and appreciate what you've done, even if I don't like it. As the old saying goes, beauty is the child of love, I guess.

Even so, I am happy to say that, as much as your plan was successful and brilliant, you might have been wrong.

Right now, another Evangelion, created from Adam, is using the energy from the S2 engine to leave this planet for the stars.

Sure, this Evangelion does not even compare to the perfection of your Unit 01, it is just a pale imitation of the original. One more imperfect copy and attempt of copying you, like many others tried.

And besides, at its core are now two souls cohabiting it. We both know that is statistically unlikely that they will be able coexist in that state for all eternity. In the most likely scenario, one of them will destroy the other completely.

Because of this, even possessing the fruit of life is not likely to endure to the end of time as a testimony to human history. They seem to be doomed to fail at their task and be forgotten forever.

However, I'm sure that they will try to bridge the gap between dreams and reality. They will bleed blood tears, because they believe that they are meant for one another. And they would fight until the end to prove it. To prove that you were wrong.

Even if the chances of survival are slim, miracles do happen after all. Maybe this imperfect Evangelion will be a better testimony to humanity than your perfect project, Yui.

Children of humanity, born from Lilith, coexisting within the spawn of Adam... this really is an extremely fragile balance, but, precisely because of this, it is a more faithful representation of the human will to defy fate and try to seek happiness and survive, even under the most terrible circumstances.

I don't want to forget - An Evangelion story, an homage to Shinji and Asuka.Where stories live. Discover now