Chapter Seventeen

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Stepping into the woods, Morro's friends had began their way through the cursed woods.

Bansha, leading the ghosts through the cursed woods and towards the ruins of a forgotten cemetery. The ghosts walked past the broken and damaged grave stones. The weakened sword of sanctuary in Bansha's hold. Its once pure light now sadly dim.

The few ghosts walked and floated around, weapons in hand, and ready to strike at any unwelcomed company.

Walking up the steps of a small black stone staircase. She stopped as she stood infront of a large dead tree. It's bark, weak and white. Its few fallen branches laid around its form along with the fallen leaves that cover the cemetery grounds from the nature that's slowly reclaimed this cursed land.

Soon enough her cursed allies began to circle around her and the tree as they began to chant something. It was cold, chilling, and hollow...

Holding up the blade, Bansha placed it down to a stone table that sat infront of the dead tree. Taking a few steps back, she raised her hands and spoke. "Fellow friends, cursid allies, voices of the dead. I call to you..."

As she spoke a mystic fog began to flow up to the tombstones and swirl around them. Statues eyes beginning to glow a bright green and red. As cursed flames, spark back to life in the old lanterns that hung around.

"Give us your power, help us turn this this tool of pure energy into the key of your aid!" She shouted, clutching her hands as she looked down at the blade as it began to float. Its pure glow weakly fighting against the cursed magic that had began flowing around it. "Seekers of vengeance, bringers of curses, strip this blade of it's power and into one that will  give us the power to bring our master back!" She cried out.

A sudden wind began to flow around them, swiftly as the sword began to rise into the air. Its form shaking as it began to spin. The wind blew harder while the sword floated higher. The chanting from the cursed allies growing louder until a dark energy bursted out, silencing and pushing them back just barely as the wind came to a stop. The statues glowing eyes fading back to normal.

Bansha looked around at the surroundings before back up to the sword.

It's blade and gem from its handle no longer blue as it was now a cursed green. A greenish blue metal, rusting up from where it's blade met its handle. The brown silk that was wrapped around its handle now grey.

Bansha watched as the sword fell before stopping as it floated just a few inches from the stone table.

Walking towards the sword. Bansha cautiously reached out her hand, taking its handle. As her fingers wrapped around its handle. She felt a powerful energy flow through her. Holding the blade up close to herself. She turned around to her allies and swung it up in the air. "It is done..." She said and they cheered.

"Now we can began our next step..."

(Sorry for the sort chapter and delay in the story. I've been really busy with things. But I promise that I will get the next chapter out as soon as possible.)

Vengeful Fire (Possessed Kai ninjago fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ