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Dez Point Of View

"You're part cat?" Ally had shrieked when she found out what i was hiding under my beanie.

"Um, " I began to stutter, "You won't tell anyone right? P-Please don't. I don't want to be s-sent t-t-to some scientist."

Ally frowned after I had said that, "Dez, I wouldn't do that to you. or anyone for that matter"

She then asked how i became like that and i answered perfectly honest that I didn't even know, cause I didn't! And i told her how my parents had kicked me out and that i am living on my own. Ally frowned again and gave me a hug, but i pulled back. i haven't been hugged in a long time, i told her. she said it was okay and gave me another one. she then asked if she could pet my,brown, ears. she petted them, witch made me purr a bit and my ear twitch and she giggled.

she has been my best friend ever since.
I don't know what i would do without her. she helped me be happy when i was sad and had my bad moments. whenever i have them, i know i can go to her. god, I love her. n-not like that!

i like her as a friend.

ally was also the first one i told that i was gay. i'm glad that she and her douchebag father accepted me though.
however, her friend trish wasnt so keen about it. i recall her saying,

"ew that's disgusting! how can a guy love another guy?"

"get away from me queerbag!"

"Ally, you should really fire this guy"

"you're going to hell"

You see, after a few months, trish finally learned to just accept people how they are but she still called me 'fag' now and then.

since she couldn't accept me being gay, i decided to never tell her about me being a hybrid. she would lose her shit.
i dread to see the outcome if i told her.

instead, i continued working at sonic boom with my beanie on and tail wrapped.

"Hi Dez!" Ally greeted with a smile as i walked into sonic boom one summery morning.

"Hi" I replied with a smile, "Should we be expecting a lot of people?"

Ally sighed, "Probably. It is summer and more people come to check out instruments"

"And get away from the heat" Lester, the douchebag, said.


Lester smiled at me and declared, "Make some money for the store now!"

"Where are you going?" Ally asked as her dad walked towards the door.

"A convention in Georgia. I should be back tomorrow. Bye now!" he says and leaves.

"Again?" I ask Ally and she sighs.

"Let's open up shop"


Throughout the day, we get a lot of costumers. By a lot i mean like fricken 100 people. no joke intended!
Rude people, and nice people came in and you don't know how close i was too killing every single one of these bastards.

Be proud of me!

At the end of the day, the costumers become less and less and there is only me and Ally. She tells me to carry some boxes into the storage room and i do so. As i am back there, I hear the shop door ring and a loud, cheery, sort-of high voice greet Ally. It sounds sort of... sexy?

S-Stop it!

I facepalm and wait in the storage room for the guy to leave. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the guy left and I went back out to the main floor, to come face to face with a rather flustered Ally.

"Ooh what happened while I was in the back?" I snicker and Ally jumps in surprise.

"D-Dez!" Ally shouts, "Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry. Who was that though?"

"Some really cute boy who wanted to buy a guitar" Ally gushed.

This made my ear twitch in curiosity.

"Oh? What did he look like?" I ask

"Tall, hazel eyes, happy personality"

"Mm" I nod, "seems enchanting"

"Yeah.." Ally trails off

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow for our movie night?"

"Totally!" She says. I hug her and leave the store.

You see, I always believed that I would live my life alone. Accompanied by Ally, her douchebag of a dad, and her bitchy best friend, trish.

That all changed when I met, him.

authors note-
hey guys! how do you like this story so far? i hope you enjoy it! and for all the sonic boom scenes, they'll be taken place in the old sonic boom. if you watch the show, 'austin and ally', you know that they changed it. so the scenes will be taken in the old one before they changed it.
keep reading! xx

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