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Dez's Point Of View

I groan as the sun hits my eyes. I hate being woke up like this. Seeing the time on my phone, I jump up instantly.

"Shit shit shit" I mumble, and hurry to get dressed. I am going to be late for work! I wrap my tail, put on shorts, a red t-shirt, and my gray beanie.
I run down the stairs, almost killing an old lady in the process, and get on my bike.

Finally, I reach 'sonic boom' with a minute to spare. I smile as I walk in.

"Whoo! I made it!"

"Hey Dez. Why are you all sweaty?" Ally asks

"Well, thats what you get when you have to ride your bike six blocks in the 90 degree weather" I reply sarcastically and Ally rolls her eyes.

"At least you made it. Oh yeah, how's it going with you and that blonde boy?" she winks

I sigh, "We're just friends, and I guess you were right. He found out my secret and didn't judge"

"I told you so!" Ally says, "Anyway, we are going to have a lot of people on the floor today so I am going to cover that. You are mainly going to cover the storage room."

"Alright." I say and make my way back there, its colder anyway.


Throughout the day, Ally was right. There were a lot of people. Damn, why do they always come on the days i'm working? Finally, four thirty strolls around and the shop closes at five, and only Ally and I remain. But, just like last time, Austin comes in at the last minute.

"Hey Dez!" He says happily, "And hey... Ally"

"Hi" I mumble.

"Do you need help with something?" Ally asks and Austin nods.

"Yeah. How much is that guitar?" He points to the one on display.

"Hmm. That one is... three hundred thirty" she says and Austin just nods.

"Okay! Thanks for telling me though!" He says with a smile.

"So are we still hanging out today? I texted you before" I tell him.

"Oh. Err sorry for not replying. I was a
bit busy and my phone was off"

"Its okay"

"Hey Ally, do you want to hang out with us?" Austin asks Ally.

"Sure. But I don't want to be a bother.."

"It's fine" I pipe in and give her a small smile.

"Okay then. What should we do?" Austin asks

"We could just stay here and get to know each other more" I suggest and they agree.

"So, Austin what do you like to do?" Ally asks him.

"Well, I like music. I can play almost everything. I think books are cool although I don't read them as much as this bookworm over here, "Austin refers to me and I blush, "Hm. I like surfing! But I haven't done that in a few years."

"That's cool. What's your favorite food?" Ally asks

"Pancakes!" Austin cheers excitedly. Aw, could he get anymore perfect?

We continue to ask questions about each other and by the end, I feel like Ally and I know Austin pretty well. I mean, we don't know about his past or his home life, but maybe it's better left unsaid. But I can't help but be curious. Thankfully, Ally asks the question that I wouldn't dare ask.

"So, where do you live?"

Austin frowns, but smiles again, "A few blocks away. Not that far, but far as in I can't walk here. How about you?"

"My house is near the High School" Ally tells Austin

"Oh Cool"

We continue to ask questions, joke around, until nine o clock.

"It was nice meeting you Austin" Ally said and went home.

"Bye" we both said.

"Want me to drive you home? I don't want you getting mugged" Austin asks and I nod a bit, blushing.

Its a comfortable silence as Austin drives me back to my apartment. But before I get out of the car, he says,

"Ally is nice and all, but I like you better"

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