The Mirror Demon

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I walk into the bathroom to finish getting ready for a night out, when I notice something out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head slowly and looked towards the mirror. I jumped back and grabbed at my chest as my heart began to pound with terror.

 "Wh...What are you d...doing here? I...I d...didn't say your" I stammered out as I pressed myself up against the wall, trying to get as far away from her as I could. She narrowed her hollow eyes at me, curled her lip up in a snarl, then threw her head back and let out a blood bubbling cackle. She snapped her head back down focusing on me and I looked away not wanting to look into empty eye sockets.

" Silly girl, look at me!" Unable to disobey her command I turned my head back and stared into those hollow pits. "I do not have to be summoned to come here anymore. Your sister and cousin made that possible with their delicious demise." My heart sank as she brought up the last time I saw my sister. "I am hungry, bring me food. Bring me a soul to feed upon." I shook my head, I did not want to give her anything, much less someone.

"But..." She flashed closer to the mirror so only her face could be seen. Her brows crinkled together and an evil grin spread upon her face. I swallowed hard and my body began to tremble as I tried so hard to push through the wall, wishing it would suck me into it and hide me from her. She reached out for me and I dropped to the floor curling up into the fetal position.

"No, please!" I begged, pulling myself in trying to get as small as I could.

"Deny me what I want, and I will take it from you." She said in a wicked tone. One you would hear an old witch use. I gulped and nodded as I kept my eyes closed tight, not wanting to see her bony fingers touch me.

"Okay, okay. I will see what I can get you." As soon as the words left my lips a gust of air fluffed my hair. I screamed thinking she had touched me, but when nothing else happened, I cracked my eyes open slowly and found the room and mirror empty. I sat up wide eyed and looked around. When I knew for sure she was gone I hurried to my feet and scurried out of the bathroom, shutting the door firmly behind me.

I grabbed my keys and left the house not even locking the door as I left. I hopped in my car and headed to the club. During my drive my thoughts traveled back to the night this nightmare began.


It was just a little over a year ago, when I turned 17, my mom had finally agreed that I could move out, and in with my responsible older sister and cousin.

I was an arrogant shit that didn't believe anything unless I saw it first, especially when it came to paranormal stuff like ghosts or demons. I laughed about it, because, well, I had never seen any.

I had heard of a story about a woman that if you said this incantation in front of a mirror, she would appear and eat your soul. Crazy, I know, but I was curious, so I had told my sister and cousin about it. I tried to talk them into doing the ritual with me. They wouldn't do it and brushed me off saying that I was too young to understand the consequences of such a summoning. I shrugged it off and stormed away mad at them for thinking I was still a baby, but I never brought it up again.

Then one night I woke up having to use the bathroom. I sleepily made my way down the hall. I stopped about midway down when I saw a dim light flicker under the door. Giggles and voices had me inching my way closer. The closer I got the more I could hear the words that I so badly wanted to be a part of. Hurt rushed over me, at the thought that they would do this with out me, but my curiosity had me creeping closer until I was pressed against the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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