Trick or Eat

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(This is for Bookworm_D's Halloween collection)

When the sun went down, the moon shined full and bright to light her way as she walked home to get ready for the Halloween party at Jo's. She knew she should have left the poetry club earlier, but she kinda sorta lost track of time. The party had already started so she picked up her pace to a slow jog.

Jogging along she was looking ahead, when a large figure darted across the road. She stopped in her tracks trying to figure out what it was she had just seen darting off into the woods. It saw her, she knew it did. It looked right at her.

It stood at least nine feet tall, even as it hunched over a bit, with fur raised on the back of its neck. It had pointy ears and a long snout that lengthened its face between two beady orange eyes. Claws as sharp as razors protruded off the tips of its fingers, dripping with something sticky. Its legs bent back at the knees at the wrong angle, and had feet that stuck out like giant paws.

Her heart began to race as she took a good look around. She was in the lonely part of the street where there were no lights or houses for miles. She gulped, trying to swallow down the lump in her throat and took a hesitated step. The only light shining her way was from the rays of the full moon. The night that was just full of noises from night time creatures, was quiet, maybe a little too quiet.

"The silence of the night ringing in my ears,

lets me know there is something to fear.

When there are no sounds or noises of the night,

you can be sure that a predator has got you in its sight."

The words from Ray's poem rolled over and over in her head as she slowly made her way down the street.

A shiver ran down her spine, as she took another step. She jumped and screamed, at the sound of a branch snapping to her right. She looked into the direction of the snapping twig and squinted her eyes trying to see through the dark into the woods, but saw nothing. She laughed nervously to herself, shook her head, and kept walking thinking it is only her imagination, until she heard a deep growl blowing through the trees.

She screamed again and took off running as fast as she could. She didn't get very far before she was tripping on her own two feet and falling face first onto the pavement.

She laid there face down on the road, blood dripping off her chin where she skinned it. She tried to get up, but her body was frozen in terror.

Then her body began to shake as she heard the clicking of its nails on the road stop on either side of her torso, and its hot breath blowing down on her neck.

"P-p-please d-don't eat me." She whimpered, begging for her life. Its huge body was hovering over hers, she could feel the heat radiating off of it. The moistness of its breath beating down on the back of her head and neck had the tears rolling from her eyes. She didn't dare look over her shoulder, nor did she try to move a single muscle.

It threw its big head back and howled its victory, then lowered it back down and nudged at her side to roll her over. She flopped onto her back and screamed as loud as she could. Its beady eyes narrowed in on her and its snarling mouth was just inches away from her face and she began to panic. Saliva dripped from its very large blood stained canines.

She tried to back peddle out from under it to get away, but it sunk its teeth into her thigh pulling her back beneath it.

"PLEASE... OH GOD PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!" She screamed as it ripped the meat from her thigh, exposing her bones. The sound of ripping flesh echoed off the trees as it pulled pieces of her leg off. It tipped its head back and swallowed the hunks of meat whole.

She screamed as loud and as long as she could as it moved up and buried its snout in her stomach, digging its teeth deep inside her. She pushed at its big head trying to get it off. She punched and clawed at it trying so hard to get free.

Her body was getting weak, she was losing too much blood. All she could do was lay there and jerk as her intestines were being pulled from the gaping hole that use to be her stomach. She was finally going numb as she lay there unable to scream or fight anymore. It licked its long tongue up her chest and finally licked the blood from her chin. It lowered its head down and licked across her neck up to her ear.

"Trick or Eat" Was the last growling words she heard right before her head was ripped from her body.


The beast snarled down at the headless body, then thew its head back to howl again. Howls echoed off in the distance letting the beast know where the others where.

It lowered its head back down, placing its large front claws on the body, and ripped the tendons free of the muscles on the legs. The ripping sounds of flesh and meat, the scent and taste of fresh blood, and its wild instincts, drove it into a mad frenzy as it viciously tore at the body, jerking it off the ground as it ate.

The echoing sounds of bones crunching bounced off the trees as it ate the last piece of its victim. The skull split in half and the brains splattered out on the bloody road. Eyeballs fell from their sockets and the nose was torn from the face. It didn't stop eating until every last piece was gone.

Not a trace of the body was left to be seen. Not a bone shard, a fragment of skin, no meaty hunks, or blood splatters on the road.

After licking the road clean, the beast darted back off into the woods. Happy with its kill but the hunger not sated, it went in search of the other victim that had caught its attention.

Sniffing the air, it caught the scent of its next target. It led from the poetry club building to a little secluded house surrounded by trees.

It grunted and slowly yet quietly proceeded to the house. It rose up on its hind quarters and looked into the window. Seeing its prey sitting in a chair in front of a cozy fire, it backed up to get a running start.

With a running leap it burst through the window and darted for the chair. It jerked the man from it with its teeth and shook him around like a rag doll, ripping his skin to shreds.

The man's screams bounced off the walls, causing the beast to cringe. It laid the man down and ripped out his throat to shut him up.

Blood spewed on the beast's face. It licked at it and grinned happily. It lowered its head and sniffed the man as he laid there twitching and gasping for air.

The beast laid down on top of the man and rolled all over his twitching body, scent marking him as he died. Rolling on its back with its feet high up in the air, grunts and groans left its snout as it wiggled its huge body on the man until he lay completely still.

It jumped to its feet and started eating the dead man piece by piece, until every last piece was gone, just as it did the feed before this one.

With a full belly, it curled up on a rug in front of the blazing fire, closed its eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Closing the book I was reading, I looked out at my fellow poetry club members and smiled, as my eyes flashed orange and I state the last sentence of the poem, right before the full moon rose.

"As the sun brought on the new dawn,

the beast shifted back to my human form..."

Then the beast ripped forth from my body and growled as it watched its scattering, screaming prey.

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