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When I walk out of the room, I spot Summer and Lily standing near the room

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When I walk out of the room, I spot Summer and Lily standing near the room. They're both engaged in some conversation but stop the moment they see me.

Lily looks at me with a scowl while Summer's lips curl up in a soft smile. The two of them then exchange looks and Summer whispers something to her in her ear before Lily nods, walking past me to enter the room where Asher and Nate still are. They're all talking, but I don't know what it's about. I can only figure out whose voices they are, not the words they're speaking.

With that, Summer walks to me. I almost think that she's going inside the room as well but she doesn't. Instead, she stops in front of me, her smile never dropping. "Hey, Harley," she says to me, "do you mind if we talk for a bit?" She pauses, looking around and closing her eyes. "Somewhere that's not a stinky hallway."

I nod. "Do you have someplace in mind?"

"The rooftop," she replies, pointing overhead. "And don't worry about getting caught. Technically, there's no restriction for us to be on rooftops. Unless, of course, someone wants to jump." She chuckles before beginning to walk in front of me. I follow her up the stairs, noticing how empty the hallways are. This building sure is out of use but I don't get the point of it being accessible to the students. There's something up here but I don't know what it is.

She leads me to the top floor and pushes the door open, gesturing me to enter. Since it's mid afternoon, the sunshine immediately begins to hurt my eyes. I take a few seconds to adjust to the light before I can see properly again. Summer is standing under the shade and calls me over to her.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" I ask her once I'm next to her.

She giggles, then turns to face me. "So, you know Carly Katz?"

I shrug and lean back against the wall, slumping down and sitting. She does the same. She's still in her school uniform and unlike all the others in her friend circle, she's properly dressed in her school uniform. Her blond hair is tied up in a high pony and looking at her makes me feel like she's the prettiest girl around here.

"I did, yes," I answer her and she smiles.

"And the number who sent the video clip to her, it was one of hers, wasn't it? She must've discarded it by now. Or maybe it already belonged to someone she knew, someone less popular and less known. Am I right?"

I look at her, a corner of my mouth twitching. "No comment about that. The sender has made me promise not to reveal their identity. And I can assure you that it wasn't Carly at all. I haven't talked to Carly in a couple years."

"Is that so?" she says, her voice blank. "The scandal was limited to a specific town. I remember that. They managed to bury the news properly by paying people and stuff. I also remember them saying that there was a girl who wrote everything up on the wall. It was some case of jealousy or something. Carly's parents knew who the girl was but they decided that it was a mistake."

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